Baru-baru ini kita dikejutkan sekali lagi dengan berita Palestin yang diserang hebat oleh Israel melalui serangan udaranya.Kemungkinan,tentera2 darat Israel akan menyerang masuk selepas serangan udaranya.
Apa yang dilakukan oleh Amerika yang kononnya merupakan polis dunia hanyalah melihat teman baiknya,Israel menyerang bumi Palestin.Apa yang meyedihkan lagi,mereka turut sokong tindakan Israel itu.Dengan menggunakan alasan,ini adalah serangan balas yang dilakukan oleh tentera2 Hamas.
Mungkin kita beranggapan bahawa Amerika akan mengubah dasar luar negaranya selepas Obama menaiki tahta presiden Januari ini.Ya,Obama mungkin tidak terikat dengan mana2 syarikat Yahudi di dalam kempen beliau,namun penasihat2 beliau kebanyakkannya adalah penyokong kuat Yahudi seperti Hillary Clinton.
Wahai teman2 sekalian, saudara2 kita di Palestin banyak terkorban dek serangan Israel,kita sama2 la doakan mereka syahid di jalanNya.Semoga roh-roh mereka itu diberkati Allah.
Apakah yang perlu kita lakukan untuk membantu saudara2 kita itu?Mungkin tidak ke medan perang,tapi kita perlulah memboikot barang2 syarikat Yahudi seperti Coca-Cola,Nestle,Sara Lee,Nokia dan sebagainya.Maklumat lanjut boleh didapati di sini.
Bersyukur la kita kerana kita masih lagi boleh hidup aman di bumi Malaysia ini.Tetapi perlu kita ingat,belum sampai lagi masa kita lagi.Mungkin Allah menguji kita dengan bencana2 alam sahaja seperti di Bukit Antarabangsa beberapa minggu lalu.Ingat,Allah masih ingin kita mengingatiNya dengan didatangkan bencana2 ini.
Semoga kita mengambil iktibar dari perkara2 ini.Diharapkan dapatlah kita sama2 mendoakan pejuang2 Palestin yang berjihad menentang tentera2 Israel.
'Perumpamaan orang-orang mukmin dalam kasih sayangnya bagaikan satu tubuh. Jika salah satu anggota tubuh merasa sakit, maka sekujur tubuh akan merasakan kurang tidur dan panas' [hadith riwayat Muttafaq alaih]
p/s:Selamat menyambut tahun baru maal hijrah
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Palestin diserang lagi
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Cognitive Dissonance
Do you know what is cognitive dissonance?
Based on wikipedia, cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously. The "ideas" and "cognitive" in question may include attitudes and beliefs, and also the awareness of one's behavior. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by changing their attitudes,beliefs, and behaviors or by justifying or rationalizing their attitudes,beliefs and behaviors.
Let's make this simple.
You are smart fresh graduate who has just completed study in Petroleum Engineering. You are assigned to determine which side will make more profit.There are site A and site B. Using your knowledge, you find out that site A has big potential than site B. However, the others who have worked longer in Petronas say that site B is better.
What will you do?Stick to your stand and convince Petronas to invest in site A?Or will you agree with the others that site B is better because they have more experience in this area?
Most people, would follow the others.
That is because, we don't want to be alone.
Situation 1
What if you manage to convince Petronas(site A),and then suddenly there's no oil at all. You will be blamed by your own self. If you with the others(site B), you are not alone if Petronas want to blame you.
That sounds very comfortable isn't it?
Situation 2
What happen if suddenly you and the others get fired for choosing site B?While, if you choose site A and it contains more oil- you will get promotion.
This situation happen many times in our daily life,right?
Cognitive dissonance is not good.If you know you are right, why would you follow others who are wrong?
We just want to be safe by being with others, right?
Let us take smoking as an example.We know that smoking is unhealthy.But why many still smoke?They want to follow the others who smoke.They are stick to the culture that smoking will make you look so cool.
Women expose their hair just to look beautiful.That is what they believe in television.
Throw those stupid ideas. Be yourself.Live well my friends!
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Labels: cognitive dissonance
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Review:Tuesdays with Morrie
This is my first post in December.After not knowing what to write,i guess,better brief you guys about a book that i have just read.
Title:Tuesdays with Morrie:an old man,a young man and life's greatest lesson
Written:Mitch Albom
This book is really great.You will not stop once you started it.(i stopped somehow~my brain can't read the whole book at a time)
It is about a dying old man(the author old professor) who sees death in a positive way.
- If you have any regrets in your life,that means you never satisfied with your life.You are unhappy.
- We ought to think that money is everything.That's what we were told about.Forget the culture.If we think of helping others,then we will forget bout it.
Well,i can't remember much..but that's part of it.
"If you're in bed,you're dead".
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Labels: death., life, mitch albom, money, regrets, tuesdays with morrie
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Martial arts and Me
I really like martial art since i was a kid.I like kung-fu(influenced by movies) but there were no teachers to teach that,so,my father sent me to learn Taek-wan-do.It was really great but i had to stop in standard 6 because i had to sit for UPSR that year(plus,i failed the taek-wan-do test twice).
I never join any martial arts since then until that one day.I felt the spirit back like when i was a kid(so eagerly to beat the bad people-LOL) .So i decided to join karate in UTP.I still like taek-wan-do,but i just want to try other martial arts.Just to be different.
What i can say is,there's no much differences between karate and taek-wan-do.I found myself having no difficulty in learning karate.LOL.
I started to love Karate.So,i decided to join karate tournament(not as participant,but as an outsider-just to know how the tournament look like).
It started on the 28th till the 30th of November.It was held at Federal Reserved Unit 3(FRU3) in Penang.(ohh-it wasn't only for karate.It involved other martial arts too such as taek-wan-do,silat,silambam,wushu,etc.The Penang team performing Katar
Perak won 2 Gold,1 silver and 4 bronze.
I really enjoy my trip there.Perak Team(find me!!)
p/s:Maybe i will enter the tournament next year.
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Labels: karate-do, martial arts, taek-wan-do
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Pemikiran Umat Islam Rapuh
Sedihnya melihat umat Islam sekarang dilanda dengan pemikiran-pemikiran Barat, di mana nilai-nilai keIslaman itu sendiri telah ditolak tepi.
Mungkin,ini adalah kesan Sekularisme yang didokong oleh pemikir2 barat untuk melemahkan umat Islam. Bagaimana pula kita perlu pisahkan ilmu dunia dengan ilmu akhirat sedangkan Islam itu syumul?
Mungkin pernah anda terdengar,kebanyakan masyarakat akan berasa pelik sekiranya seseorang itu tiba2 sahaja berubah menjadi baik-banyak solat malam,baca Al-Quran dsbnya.Pekara pertama yang akan difikirkan adalah 'Adakah si polan ini sudah ikut mana2 jamaah ekstrimis?ini bahaya nih'.(Mungkin saya salah,tapi rase2nya ada kot orang beranggapan sebegitu).
Perlukah kita berasa pelik apabila benda baik berlaku?Adakah kita sudah lali dengan maksiat yang berlaku di depan mata?kita sudah beranggapan bahawa couple itu perkara biasa.Adakah kita sudah lupa hadis ke 34 di dalam hadis Arba'in karangan Imam Nawawi?
"Barangsiapa di antara kalian melihat sesuatu kemungkaran hendaklah ia mengubah dengan tangannya;jika tidak mampu maka dengan lisannya;dan jika tidak mampu maka dengan hatinya dan itulah selemah-lemah iman".
Jelas tercatat di situ,jika kita tidak membenci sesuatu maksiat,cuba kita check balik iman kita.Kalau membenci maksiat itu selemah2 iman,apatah lagi orang yang cuma lihat dan tiada tindakan.
Bak kata Dr.Asri di dalam Pena Mufti ahad lepas, zina sekarang lebih mudah berbanding nikah. Cinta sebelum kawin,adalah biasa di kalangan umat Islam kini.Inilah rencah2 Barat yang ditaburkan melalui media.Kita perlu kenal seseorang itu(bercinta) sebelum kahwin.
"Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu hingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka. Katakanlah: "Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah itulah petunjuk (yang benar)". Dan sesungguhnya jika kamu mengikuti kemauan mereka setelah pengetahuan datang kepadamu, maka Allah tidak lagi menjadi pelindung dan penolong bagimu."(Al-baqarah:120)
Di dalam ayat tersebut,milah merujuk bukan hanya pada agama,tetapi pada cara mereka hidup.
Jelas sekali,ramai wanita kini terpengaruh dengan kebanyakan iklan syampu rambut."Serlahkan kecantikan mu" dengan menayangkan rambut yang cantik di-rebonding.
Islam sangat2 menjaga wanita.Kecantikan wanita perlulah dijaga dari pandangan orang.Ibaratnya,kita menjaga barang perhiasan kita.Tak kan lah kita nak pakai rantai 10juta ringgit ke pasar.Mahu je free2 kena ragut.Rantai itu kita hanya tunjukkan pada occasion2 yang istimewa sahaja.
Jika ingin dijelaskan segala masalah umat,memanglah tidak termampu.
Bagi saya,jika kita mahu memimpin kembali umat Islam,hendaklah dimulakan dahulu dengan Tarbiah.Tarbiah dulu diri kita.Perbaiki diri kita sendiri.Banyakkanlah ibadat kepada Allah.Jaga hubungan dengan Allah barulah jaga hubungan dengan manusia.
Islam itu bukanlah hanya pada ritual itu sahaja. Ia adalah syumul(lengkap).
p/s:Post ini adalah untuk menasihati diri sendiri dan sahabat2 yang lain. Jika nampak saya melakukan perkara yang tak patut,nasihat la diri ini.Kita kadangkala lupa.
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Labels: barat, islam, pemikiran, syumul, umat islam
Friday, November 21, 2008
Graduation Day
Sorry guys for this late update.
Suppose,i write this post on the 29th of October,but that time,i was busy with lots of tests and finals.
Here are some pictures...
Luqman,Faizal and me.That woman behind,i don't know who.LOL!
A bunch of PE DL receivers
p/s:Hopefully to get another DL this Sem.
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Labels: DL, graduation
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Yeah!!Finally,it's here..
Tomorrow,i'll have my last paper,which is Statics And Dynamics.InsyaAllah,i'm going home on Thursday.
Things i wanna do at home:
1.Play less online game.(biggest challenge)
2.Read more books.
3.Try not to sleep after Subuh prayer.
4.Maintain my diet.
5.Help parents with home work.(Hurmm...)
6.Get back on basketball.
Posted by orang minyak 8 comment(s)
Labels: sem break
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Mentera Beradu
Currently,I like to listen to this song.You need to read between the lines to understand the meaning.It is different from any other Malay songs.Enjoy the music here.
Gerakkan Hati... Hati gerakkan...
Pandanglah aku... aku lah dia...
Kulitku tebal... ku kebal... ingatku kebal...
Hanya berbual makan angin kembung perut mual...
Resah dan tidak senang... hidup tak pernah lenang...
Ku schizo paranoia takut pecah tembelang
Pecah tembelang... peta dah hilang...
Bangau dah pulang... suara sumbang...
Lidahku kaku tak selicin kuku
Teman baikku buku
Bini ku pena... tak pernah lena
Aku suka mengintai pantang ditenung
Berakhir pertelingkahan dalaman
Pasti belum
Ikut gerak hati... pena melayang
Dilihat dua layang pandang
Tak lah segarang
Takat meradang
Tanya... abang gedang, apa barang?
Badan macam badang
Main acap belakang parang
Kuhunuskan keris musuh ada pistol
Tradisi kekalkan adaptasi harus betul
Tujuh baris keramat tujuh garis penamat
Baik berpada biar jahat asal selamat
Ramai saudaraku yang baik telah dipijak
Awan mendung yang berarak
Bawa tangis bawa resah
Rebah rindu yang terkumpul
Semua birat dan kalimah
Semua janji yang terikat
Lebur disisimu
Yo ijazah terbaik datangnya dari jalanan
Dari pengalaman bercakap dan bersalaman
Konflik motivasi cuba medatasi
Positif dan benci jadi inspirasi pagi
Peduli itu interpretasi basi pekakkan sebelah
Halang biar keduanya muka cantik
Soalan bodoh yang ditanya jadi melodinya
Lebih hina dari zina
Lu bikin dosa ku bikin prosa
Testosterone testarosa
Citacita sosa kl kl kosa nostra
Jalan berliku ku harung roller coaster
Gah sentosa tiada penyesalan
Luas pandangan jauh dah berjalan
Tak sempurna masih ada kejanggalan
Gagal merancang, merancang kegagalan
Awan mendung yang berarak
Bawa tangis bawa resah
Rebah rindu yang terkumpul
Semua birat dan kalimah
Semua janji yang terikat
Lebur disisimu
Kucing bawa tidur rimau bawa igau
Masuk tempat orang bawa otak bukan pisau
Naik bukit angkuh cakap ayah jangan risau
Turun bukit pucat dengar tiga miaww
Kucing bawa tidur rimau bawa igau
Masuk tempat orang bawa otak bukan pisau
Tolak pintu gua tiga kerat tenaga
Kosong tak dijaga sampai datang tiga naga
Ingat nak berlaga tapi tak kan boleh menang
Menang dengan otak tak mesti dengan pedang
Sebelum jadi naga ikan koi renang renang
Pura pura salah jawapan untuk naik berang
Panggil lima kawan atau biar pergi laju
Risaukan pekara remeh kita tak akan maju
Muka sama hijau hati siapa tahu
Merah dah menyala pasti mati siapa mahu
Gagap tiga kali bercakap benar saja
Bulan terang ramai yang keluar buat kerja
Panjat pokok buluh cari tukun air terjun
Naik sampai nampak dah terpegun turun
Tiga ular ikut lompat atau paut
Kalau lari mati jika jerut maut
Awan mendung yang berarak
Bawa tangis bawa resah
Rebah rindu yang terkumpul
Semua birat dan kalimah
Semua janji yang terikat
Lebur disisimu
Puisi hati mu... hati mu puisi
Palu hati ku palu hatiku
Kulit tak besalin walau saling ganti baju
Pandang sini pandang sini
Ku berbahasa baku kata kata nahu
Himpun jadi satu
Mantera beradu dengan irama dan lagu
Akhirnya sempurna...
Posted by orang minyak 4 comment(s)
Labels: lyrics, mentera beradu, songs
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Exam Relaxation
Why do people still blogging even though they have exams?I found out that many of friends can still manage write new posts.So,i think why wouldn't I.
Answering exam should be with a relaxed mind.That's why i think many of them blogging.
Take last semester for example.I tried so hard to remember those organic thingy in chemistry and in the end,i didn't know what had i answered.Luckily i still got A- for it.
So,this semester,i try to use a new approach-to relax my mind.By this i mean,i will still struggle but with a limitation.Whenever i feel like my brain processor need to cool,so i stop.
Hurm,DE is over.I got 3 more papers to go.InsyaAllah,all will be over this 19th.
Relax your brain dude.Just take one step at a time,there is no need to rush.Like in Jordin Spark's song.
The best way to relax your brain is by remembering Allah.Like what in Surah Ar-Rad
"(yaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka manjadi tenteram dengan mengingat Allah. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah-lah hati menjadi tenteram. "13:28
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Race
Do you still remember the story of the turtle who beat the rabbit?
I'm sure that all of us know it.There is even the 'second race' of it written by a Malay writer.I learned it in form 4.
Why did the rabbit stop when he can finish the race eh? It is because he underestimate the turtle and he think that why don't he take a nap awhile.
This post have nothing to do with the rabbit or the turtle.I just want to advise my friends to use this study week to study as much as we can.
I can see that some feel safe when they thought that they have fully prepared. We all should prepare for the worse and hope for the best.
Don't forget that the race has not ended yet. We should not let our guards down and have fun in this temporarily world too.Always remember that we all will die one day and prepare also to meet Allah on that Day.
Study2 jugak.Akhirat jangan dilupakan.
p/s:I wish the best for you guys in the exam.
Posted by orang minyak 9 comment(s)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tag 1(by my sis):
The question is,why do i take my course: Petroleum Engineering.Hurmm...
I want to be a doctor until i was in form 2(13 years old). That's when i found out that i can't watch any surgery or body with full of blood.I might blackout.
Then,i decided to be an engineer. I like to build things like cars, buildings, road etc.Hurm,nothing to do with petroleum aite..So,why petroleum.
I applied for petroleum in UTP because i know that they need more petroleum engineer in future. So, i thought that UTP will offer more scholar in that course.I take petroleum just to be in UTP.LOL.
Don't think that is the only reason.I would not be dumb to do that.I like geography in lower form.My favorite subject that i score.
I know i would love this course.
Tag2(by haris)
5 items in my bag
- Books
- Calculator
- Files
- Pencil
- Pen
- Cash and coins
- ATM cards
- License
- IC
- Matric Card
5 belongings in my room that i love.
- My notebook(compaq)
- Handphone
- Bed
- Heater
- Quran
- Get Married
- Become an expert in Petroleum engineering
- Study abroad
- Have my own company
- Build big house for my parents
- Read book(Quran skali ye)
- Play basketball/swimming
- Surf internet
- Sleep
- Watch movies
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: hobbies, petroleum engineer, tag
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
UTP buang undi 29 Oktober 2008
29 Oktober 2008 merupakan hari keramat bagi pelajar-pelajar UTP bagi melaksanakan kewajipan mereka dalam mengundi calon-calon pemimpin pilihan mereka.
Kempen calon-calon telah diadakan sepanjang 2minggu iaitu pada 15 hingga 28 Oktober di sekitar perkarangan UTP.
Terdiri daripada 11 calon, para pelajar dikehendaki memilih 5 calon utama bagi konstituensi awam.
Memandangkan UTP tiada pelbagai fakulti(2 sahaja-kejuruteraan dan ICT/BIS),maka pelajar UTP perlu pilih wakil program mereka.
Bagi bahagian Program pula,terdapat 2 calon sahaja yang pelajar perlu undi daripada 3 calon dimana hanya tiga program sahaja yang mempunyai pertandingan iaitu Petroleum Engineering, ICT dan juga Chemical Engineering.(Rasanya,yang lain dah menang tanpa bertanding).
Keputusan akan diumumkan pada jam 8malam pada 29 Oktober 2008 bertempat di MPH.
p/s: Kepada pelajar UTP,pilih lah calan yang dirasakan baik untuk memimpin anda.
Posted by orang minyak 4 comment(s)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Selangor is getting Poorer??
I have found out an interesting news that I browsed this morning in here.
It says that Selangor is getting poorer as the level of poverty has been increased from RM731 to RM 1500.
What startled me is why Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd. Khir Toyo wanna argue about that. The action taken by the state government is what i would say a wise action. It is a sure thing if the level of poverty is increased,so do the percentage.
Having food price increased, fuel price increased(eventhough it's now RM2.30,the price can still be lower down looking at the world price of oil) and many more things increased and not to forget that the earnings of the people is still maintain, we would see people with RM1-2k income are not living well at all. Even,people with RM5k need to struggle their life just to feed their family members.
What if the level is not increased?We would hear that Selangor is free from poverty(which Selangor aims to get 0% poverty by 2010)from the media which the people do not feel at all.
This action will make us see that more people need help from us who can live well(Alhamdulillah). Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd. Khir Toyo argues that there is no action taken by the state government like what is promised in the manifesto.Hurm,March to October Datuk Seri.Is that is long enough to compare to the previous government?Wait and see.If there is no goodness in years, I would join you criticize the state government.LOL!!!
Even though we see that more buildings are brought up nowadays,but it doesn't mean that we are achieving more money and less poor people.Hope that Selangor will achieve its 0% poverty.Amiin...
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Labels: poverty, selangor, state government
Friday, October 17, 2008
Open House
I was thinking about going to open house and meeting with old friends and talk about anything.Like yesteryear,i am not able to visit houses since Eid Fitr is not at the end of the year.Well,you know,if it is,people will have time to visit their friends' houses since at the end of the year,many people(students) are already on holiday(semester break).We celebrate Raya for a month right?
So,I was thinking about creating this kind of tradition in here(blog).Here are the rules.
1.The owner of the blog will post an announcement in his/her blog,setting a day for people to come over to his/her blog.Then his/her friends are required to invite others or anyone to the Open House(the blog).
2.They are required to leave some comments and leave their blog address so that the owner can invite others to go to the blog who leave their comments.
3.Then,the people who has visit the owner's blog are required to the same thing,the Open House.
Hurm,by doing this,we will get to know acquaintances and somehow keep the tradition of going to Open House.
Orang Minyak's Open House
Date:18th of October 2008(Saturday)
Time:Unlimited.To those who can't stand to wait for the day are welcome to leave their comments
Thank you;
p/s:If you wanna some foods,add me at my facebook.I can send you digital foods.LOL.XD
Posted by orang minyak 5 comment(s)
Labels: Eid Fitr, open house
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Lu Cakap Tarak Serupa Bikin la Bro
Pernah tak ada seseorang cakap "lu cakap tarak serupa bikin la bro" kat korang?
Maksud ayat ni senang aje.Kamu cakap pasal orang lain,tapi kamu sendiri tak buat.Kalau dalam English nye "You don't walk the talk".
Kebiasaanya,seorang pemimpin ataupun seseorang yang memberi kata2 nasihat akan dilemparkan ayat ini.Bagi seorang pempimpin,mungkin dia tak mampu memberi yang terbaik sepertimana di dalam manifestonye,maka,orang2 bawahannya akan mengatakan "apa punya pemimpin la.Die cakap senang la.Cuba buat sikit".
Allah melaknat kepada sesiapa yang mengatakan apa yang tidak dilakukannya..sepertimana di dalam Al-Quran
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, kenapakah kamu mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak kamu kerjakan? Amat besar kebencian di sisi Allah bahwa kamu mengatakan apa-apa yang tidak kamu kerjakan."(61:2-3).
"Mengapa kamu suruh orang lain (mengerjakan) kebaktian, sedang kamu melupakan diri (kewajiban) mu sendiri, padahal kamu membaca Al Kitab (Taurat)? Maka tidaklah kamu berpikir?"(2:44)
Di dalam Hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari dan Muslim
"Rasulullah saw. bersabda"Pada hari kiamat akan didatangkan seorang lelaki,lalu dilemparkan kedalam api neraka sehingga usus-ususnya terburai keluar dan melilit tubuhnya,lalu ia berputar-putar di dalam api neraka seperti keldai yang sedang memutar gilingan.Para penduduk neraka mengerumuninya seraya bertanya,"Hai Fulan,apa yang menimapmu?Bukankah kamu dulu memerintahkan kami berbuat baik dan melarang kami berbuat kemungkaran?Ia menjawab"Dulu aku menyuruh kalian berbuat baik,namun aku sendiri tidak melakukannya,aku melarang kalian berbuat mungkar namun aku sendiri melakukannya"."
Daripada 2ayat al-Quran dan hadith yang saya kemukan tadi,jelas menunnjukkan bahawa betapa dahsyatnya akibat orang yang mengatakan apa yang tidak ia lakukan.
Tujuan saya post tajuk ini bukanlah untuk mengutuk atau mengata mana2 pihak melainkan diri saya sendiri.Saya pernah beri nasihat pelbagai macam pada orang sedangkan saya sendiri alpa.Contohnya,pernah saya beri tazkirah di dalam bulan Ramadhan dahulu mengenai perlunya meneruskan istiqamah beribadat setelah habisnya Ramadhan,namun,saya kadangkala alpa.
Di sini,saya ingin menyeru saudara-saudara seakidah saya sekalian bahawa tegurlah diri ini sekiranya anda terlihat diri ini yang kadangkala tidak melakukan apa yang saya cakapkan.Manusia ini memang pelupa,maka saling nasihat menasihati adalah penawarnya.
Berbalik pada ayat al-Quran yang saya sertakan tadi,jangan pulak korang salah tafsir.Jangan lepas ni takde sape berani nak beramar maaruf nahi mungkar lak kerana takut die tak melakukan apa yang die cakap.
Marilah kita sama2 renungkan.Kita adalah manusia biasa sahaja.Tidak mungkin terlepas melakukan dosa.Sekiranya,kita beranggapan bahawa kita perlu sempurna,baru ingin memberi nasihat pada orang lain,maka hanyutlah Islam di muka bumi ini.Bukankah para Rasul sahaja yang suci daripada dosa.Maka,adakah para Rasul sahaja yang boleh beri nasihat??
Harapnya,kita boleh lah mencapai sifat Rabbani,iaitu yang mengajarkan apa yang dipelajarinya.
"Hendaklah kamu menjadi orang-orang rabbani karena kamu selalu mengajarkan Al Kitab dan disebabkan kamu tetap mempelajarinya."(3:79)
Nobody's perfect, but we can reach the perfection by reminding one another for what goods and what not.
After this,feel free to remind me for any wrongdoings that i do.
Posted by orang minyak 4 comment(s)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Quit coke,drink plain water.Anyone??
We were talking about our Hari Raya holiday while waiting for the train to arrive. Then, my friend said that he is eager to work as a drilling engineer and started to count how long would we be in UTP.Hurm,it is about 3 and a half year more.Hurm,would we be happy when we work as much as when we were students?I would say(guess) NO.
I am sure it is not appropriate for me to say that as i have never ever experienced that yet.(I was once when i worked as a waiter in Sushi King.But that was short.I am talking about a long period).
Well,when my friend mention that(working),i suddenly recall the introduction part of "Mars and Venus Collide" by John Gray.Okay,i know it is about male-female relationship book,but i am talking about the part when he mention about people coping with stress.
I know,working job would be tens or hundreads times greater than doing assignment.XD
In the morning,you go for 8hours working day.That excluding traffic jam,late of train arrival(which i happen to experience.I waited for an hour and it took half an hour for it to move 6 stations.That's KTM),and much more.Then,if you have problems with your partner about,let say small things,you might ended it with an action that you might regret later.Hurm,that is for a day.How about if we count for a year, 10years or until we die.
Hurm,how would we cope with our stress huh?I believe there is no one day that we do not face any stress in our life.
I remember that there was one guy who mention about "problem".If there is no problem exists in this world,we would be like animal.With problem that we face,we would start to overcome it and find solution to it.Let us have a simple example:
Problem:It is a very hot day
How to avoid it:We need to cool ourselves.
Solution:With the bright brain of humankind,we have created what we called air-conditioner.
See,if there is no problem,i would not know,what is air-cond is all about.
We should just take problem as a challange for us to change.Yup.CHANGE.
By having an ability to change from certain situation into another,we might nod our head when we realize that changing over a thing might bring happiness to us.Oh yea,what i mean is a good change.Don't ever change yourselves worser.
On the third day of Raya,my father asked me whether any of my friends would like to buy and read his book.Sorry to say,but i answered that my friends don't read book.Not all,but most.Most of them feel that reading a book is like having a burden.Flipping through page by page is like waiting for the moon to come down.It is time-consuming(for them).What if they change their misconception.I can see an obvious difference between those who read and those who not.When we talk to them,we would realize that our head would nod many times,agreeing with what they say.That is because we don't have the knowledge that the person is talking about.Wake up guys!!We need to change.In Islam,there is a word called 'Hijrah'.
Okay.Enough of all this.Let me summarize all this.
Solution:Change-Stress=Problem is solved=happiness :-)
Posted by orang minyak 5 comment(s)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
UPDATE:Orang Minyak's new approach
From now on,this blog will be in English,Bahasa Malaysia or both.
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Labels: update
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Raya '08
This year, we(my family) celebrated our first day of Raya at our home. There were some unexpected things happened before we went to the southern.LOL.We had planned our time but what to do,Allah has planned as what He wants it to be.Eventually,we managed to get to Johor by almost 6,if i'm not mistaken.
The next day, we visited our relatives which most of them are in Johor.However,not all we met.
The third day,we went to our beloved kampung,in Mersing. The best part was when we can gather with our relatives and spend our time together with them.I think,that's the best part of raya.
Hurm,this year,the script is different where we went to Johor first,then Mersing.LOL.
However,i still enjoy this Raya.A license to forget the live in UTP.
p/s:I got assignment that i need to submit this 9th.Still in progress
Posted by orang minyak 6 comment(s)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Holiday+Ramadhan+Eid Fitr
This holiday really excites me even a week before it started.What makes me feels excited is meeting my family.FYI,it is like a savior for me to go home.Or else,my weekend will always full with lots of activities.*Badminton class,esp*.LOL.
Alhamdulillah,now im at my home.I had a save journey with Amin(the driver) and the other two.I really miss my family.Glad to see them here.
Okay,enough of that.Let's talk Eid Fitr.
Eid Fitr is a day on Syawal for Muslims to celebrate after a month of fasting. First thing, we should be grateful to ALLAH for allowing us to live in Ramadhan and what matter most is meeting the night of Qadr.Ramadhan is a month of learning(sharu Tarbiah).So,in the end of Ramadhan,we should learn something after a month of fasting.Ramadhan should be a month of ibadah just for the sake of ALLAH.Hopefully,what we get is not just feeling hungry and thirsty.
Eid Fitr.It is not a day for us to take revenge to fuel our stomach with foods.It is a day for us to back to our own Fitrah.
Hopefully,this Ramadhan is better than the previous one.
p/s:Being in home is a challenge for me as i should not let my Ibadaah to Allah fell down.
Posted by orang minyak 0 comment(s)
Sunday, September 21, 2008 it always be.
The 16th of September has passed few days ago.Yet,we still don't have our sixth prime minister as claimed by Datuk Seri Anwar that the 16th of September would be the point of political changies in Malaysia.
Not much happen,but we could see some "things" happen before,during and after that day.
1. 3 people were arrested under ISA act.A Blogger Raja petra,Sin chew Daily Newspaper reporter and a Parlimen member of Seputeh,Teresa Kok.
2. Pak Lah had changed his portfolio with the deputy prime minister,Datuk Seri Najib.An exchaange of financial portfolio with defense portfolio.Some said,Pak Lah is getting more cautious with the "changing of prime minister".And other said,he just want to show to the people that he is willing to give his position with Datuk Seri najib by doing that.
3. Coincidence or not,suddenly oil price decrease quite dramatically.This will increase people's belief towards Anwar that he can make the oil price going cheaper.
I am not good in politics and i don't think i would like it.But i am really concern bout the future of Malaysian.Under whatever party,i wish the best for Malaysian.Like what Dr Azri said before the Permatang Pauh election.Choose the least bad influence.Meaning that,both are not good but choose the least bad between those two. it always be.Endless.Fight between parties have never ever lead us towards betterment.
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: 16th september., oil price, politics
Friday, September 5, 2008
Happy Ramadhan
Sempena Ramadhan yang kini tiba, saya merasakan apa salahnya sekiranya sekali sekala menulis post kali ini di dalam bahasa ibunda.Mungkin,dengan berwajah baru( brita harian lak),mungkin ada eloknya,insyaAllah.
Kini,baru saya mempunyai masa untuk menulis post mengenai bulan Ramadhan al-Mubarak ini.Alhamdulillah,kita masih dikurnia Allah nafas untuk terus berjumpa dengan bulan yang penuh barakah ini.SubhanAllah.Kurnia Allah ini adalah satu rahmat dan kita harus mensyukurinya.
Diceritakan,para sahabat Rasulullah pada dahulu kala,tidak pernah berdoa pada Allah untuk dilanjutkan usia,malah mereka mengharapkan Allah mematikan mereka dalam Syahid,berjuang di jalan Allah.Namun,tatkala munculnya Syahru Ramadhan,mereka meminta pada Allah untuk terus dikurniakan nafas untuk berjumpa dengan Ramadhan.SubhanAllah.
Ada apa dengan Ramadhan??
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertakwa"(al-baqarah,2:183)
Agaknya kan,apa yang Allah expect dari kita apabila kita berpuasa ek?Adakah Dia ingin menguji kita dengan hanya berlapar dan dahaga sahaja?Para pembaca yang dirahmati Allah, kita diwajibkan berpuasa oleh Allah agar kita berTAKWA.
Takwa...apa yang kita tahu mengenai takwa??Secara mudahnya,takwa adalah melakukan perintah Allah dan meninggalkan larangannya dengan penuh taat.Ia nya ibarat berjalan di sebuah jalan yang penuh berduri,dan kita akan senantiasa berhati-hati agar tidak memijak duri-duri itu.SubhanAllah.Takwa ini merupakan suatu sifat yang dituntut di dalam Islam.Bayangkan,segala perkara yang baik-baik ini terletak pada takwa dan tidak ada satu pun benda yang buruk di dalam takwa.Sekiranya,kita bertakwa pada Allah nescaya kita akan disayangiNya.InsyaAllah.
Maka,selalulah kita mendengar bahawa kita harus meninggalkan kemungkaran dan mempertingkatkan ibadah di dalam bulan Ramadhan yang dikurniakan oleh Allah ini.Bulan ini adalah ibarat Mega Sales yang Allah kita beri dan inilah yang kita perlu kejari.InsyaAllah,selepas bulan mubarak ini,kita akan beransur-ansur untuk berubah.Alhamdulillah,sekiranya kita dapat berubah.
Teringat,bila baca novel Hijab Sang Pencinta,laksamana Sunan sentiasa menawarkan musuhnya agar kembali ke jalan yang benar.
"Wahai pengikut Taghut,mahukah engkau mendengar tawaran ku yang jauh lebih baik dari apa yang engkau;akukan ini".Bila baca statement Sunan ni,rasa cam bergegar je jantung nih.Cuba bayangkan kalau ada seseorang cakap macam tu kat anda semua.Kita da la menentang seseorang itu,tiba-tiba dia tawarkan jalan yang lurus.Astagfirullahal azim.
Begitu juga Allah.Allah ada menawarkan pada manusia yang beriman perkara yang baik agar kita masuk ke jalan yang benar.
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, sukakah kamu aku tunjukkan suatu perniagaan yang dapat menyelamatkanmu dari azab yang pedih? (yaitu) kamu beriman kepada Allah dan RasulNya dan berjihad di jalan Allah dengan harta dan jiwamu. Itulah yang lebih baik bagimu, jika kamu mengetahui."(As-Saff,61:10-11).
Ingin saya simpulkan apa yang telah saya perkatakan sebelum ini.
- Bersyukurlah kita kerana kita still dapat bertemu dengan Ramadhan al-Mubarak ini.
- Rebutlah peluang ini untuk beribadat sebanyak boleh kepadaNya.Ia adalah bulan bonus.
- Jadilah seorang Muttaqqin(orang yang bertakwa).
p/s:Segala yang baik itu datang dari Allah dan yang buruk itu disandarkan pada saya.Harap dimaafkan atas segala kekhilafan diri ini yang tak sempurna.Assalamualaikum.
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Monday, September 1, 2008
A trip to Penang
I have an exciting holiday in Penang.I have to attend a program there.The program involved participants from other universities as well,especially from the upper north of Malaysia.I have met a lot of friend.Some older and some have the same age as me. I miss them a lot. The program was not so tight but it made us all tired.LOL...The program was about unity and relationship between people.
So,we(3of us) departed from UTP at 7pm,heading north.We had to go late because we had class before that.We reached there at 1145pm.The program was like a day an a half. We decided to go back to UTP right after Subuh prayer.LOL...
It is because we wanna tour around penang because izaan and me had only reached there once and akmal haven't.We decided to go to Queensbay Mall just to have one full happy day before Ramadhan.There,we have our chance to watch people marching(Merdeka celebration).
Hurm,let us see what interesting(uh?) things happen:
- We watched Babylon A.d.It was borrrrriiiinnnngggg.Luckily,it was only 10rnggit even when it is on public holiday.
- Shopping.I spend lots of money.Luckily,Ramadhan is a month of savings.Huhuhu.
- I have tasted Coffee Bean's at last.Mwahahaha.Juz wanna give it a try.
- Izaan lost his parking ticket. He decided to do lots of not-so-good idea.Fortunately,when we told the guard that we lost our ticket,he just let us go.Pheww...
- On the way back,we travel by ferry.Lol.
- We eat Nasi Kandar.LOL.juz wanna know why people like it.
- We have our Terawih prayer in RnR.
I found this weird restaurant
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Labels: Coffee Bean, Merdeka, Penang, Ramadhan
Friday, August 29, 2008
I would like to ask you all a question,how do you all appreciate our independence day? I have been thinking long ago of how to get the spirit of freedom(semangat kemerdekaan).What i can see is whenever the day come,people will only proudly flagging the Jalur Gemilang.Maybe you can share something?
I had 2 test was okay while another was very unexpected.I know people don't want to know bout the okay one,but the unexpected one.Hmmm..the test was about reservoir.We(PE students) were very frustrated with the question.The lecturer taught us bout the memorizing part.But what came out yesterday was the calculation part which we didn't learn at all.It was like the question was meant for 2nd year student b'coz we are just in the beginning.How can she expect us to answer it.(i think,that's the first time i don't have a damn knowledge bout something,and then,try to answer it).
Hmmm,just wanna share with you guys bout what i heard yesterday from someone,the true hero is. If you wanna be a hero,you need not to do things for the people nor sacrifice yourself. The true hero is someone who can change people around him.
I wanna be a hero!!
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: hero, Independence, Reservoir
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Convofair '08
Assalamualaikum.. with uncle Ramlee
UTP Convofair has came back!!This year,i would say, that it's better than last year.It is because
- Convosquare has been changed from v4 field to v4 parking lot.It is much better because people will have no trouble visiting booth without have to worry about any mud due to rainy day.
- The celebrity invited are, i would say more decent. MPP has done it's job by not allowing not-so-decent celebrity in terms of its attire i think. Luckily they didn't invite underground musician or else students will be exposed to Jilat song.LOL!!They invite Nabil Raja Lawak and M.Nasir.
- I can say that there are more booths than before.
- I would say that the main stage is grand if to compare with the previous one.
- At alaf21,Ramlee Awang Murshid came to UTP.(usually novelists come at bookfair,not convocation day)
- This year,my college is nearer to the convosquare compared to last 2 semesters.
p/s:wanna go there to have my lunch after this. Here are some photos(this is why camera is so useful,to snap memorable moment).
View in Mesra booth at night
Posted by orang minyak 5 comment(s)
Labels: convofair '08, convosquare
Saturday, August 23, 2008
3on3 basketball
In the game
In line with Convofair '08,UTP held a 3on3 basketball game.I decided to join the game to gain some experience.This game is open to outsiders too.Our fellow friends from UiTM seri Iskandar also join the game.It is interesting,for me,especially, because this is my second appearance in basketball match.(after 5years i play this game).LOL..
They are all good players and that''s the reason we(me) lost 3games.(1 game win because one team doesn't show up).The first was 11-5,2nd 15-5 and the last game 7-4.
Eventhough i lost all the games but i am really happy to play it.
p/s:wanna go to convosquare after this...btw,here are some photos that i took.
This is my teammate.
Posted by orang minyak 0 comment(s)
Labels: basketball, convofair '08
Friday, August 15, 2008
Priority first
"Katakanlah "Jika bapak-bapakmu,anak-anakmusaudara-saudaramu,isteri-isterimu,keluargamu,harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan,perdagangan yang kamu khuatirkan kerugiaannya dan rumah-rumah tempat yang kamu sukai,lebih yang kamu cintai daripada Allah dan RasulNya serta berjihad di jalanNya,maka tunggulah sampai Allah memberi keputusannya".Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang fasik."
In this ayat,Allah has made us a list of priority.What should come first before another.
6.Cousin(what best to replace this word eh?)
10.Things that you afraid of losing.
After hearing this ayat,i suddenly realized that how bad i am when i always do other thing first than what i should do first.
For example, like in point 10. I always worried of my study,my grade,pointer and so on.I afraid that i would not succeed in my study that i have forgotten the first point.
Then, i have come to a conclusion on how to do the first point,the third point and at the same time,i can do the priority number 10.Do you want to know how??
It's all about niat(intention).Before study,we should set our niat that we do this for Allah. We should take study as a way of Jihad in Islam.Jihad is not about war.Even, the biggest Jihad is to fight our own Nafsu.
We would get what we intent to do.
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Oil depletion?
Just a few facts bout petroleum that i find interesting to share with:
1. Oil will drain in years to come,but not so soon. It is because, these days, oil companies only managed to take out one third from the oil field. That means, we still have two third down there. I feel safe to hear that fact. Phew...
2. The largest oil field in the world is larger than Malaysia. It is in Abu Dhabi. Imagine, how many engines on road can be filled up in years. That's many. And lots of profit in it.
3. We can create oil. So, there would not be a problem when there is no more oil. Trust me, when the time come, no one will ever want to ride a car to work. The price of oil created is far more expensive than the oil we dig up.
p/s: There's more fact i think. But only these i managed to remember from my Thursday class(9-7 a.m)
p/p/s: I'm already busy been a student. Can't imagine how would my life be when i work as a petroleum engineer.
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: abu dhabi, oil field, petroleum, petroleum engineer
Saturday, August 9, 2008
A week of bad things happen
Bad things or should i say i'm not so lucky this week happen to me.
1. The day when i suppose to return to UTP, i decided to play futsal first with my Pasir Salak-ian for about an hour and a half. I was told that my friend could send me to KTT where my other friend,a UTP-ian live nearby there(going back to UTP by his car). However, my KTT friend didn't bring his car along at shah alam. So, i ask my other friend to send me at UKM bangi KTM station. He agreed. However,the bad things were, his car was out of petrol. We went to nearby petrol station first.There was a singaporean(i assume by his car plate) who sucking the oil like hell.(Does government allow this?). Back to the story. Then,my friend decided to drop me at Serdang KTM station because he got things to do.One thing i hate bout KTM is waiting for the train.(i think there's more than one thing i hate bout KTM).Guess what, i was late for about 2hours.
2. Another bad thing happen to me on Monday(the day after i reach UTP).Izaan had just lost his handphone last week.So, after class,we decided to go to ipoh to retrieve his sim card.We have approximately 4hours before another class start. That should be enough as going to Ipoh take less than an hour. However, when we were on the way to Ipoh,suddenly Izaan realized that his car was overheated.Luckily,the engine wasn't yet blown. So, we stop for about a half an hour to let the engine cools down.Pity Izaan,lost of handphone+engine problem=money flying away.At the celcom center, the staff have already gone for their lunch.So,we had to wait.After all the trouble,we thought that we wouldn't manage to attend DE class at time.With all the fussy in our head,we decided for 'The Mummy:and the tomb of the emperor'.LOL.
3.This one can be considered not to bad luck sangat-lah.I lost my first match in UTP basketball league.(my first time appearance in any basketball competition.LOL).Our team name is '69' which i don't really know what it stands for. We competed with a combination of foreigner+chinese+indian team. The foreigner(white man) can dunk!!My two shots were blocked by him even though i manage to slip pass through defender.Damn..In the game, i was given two free-throw.But,i only manage to get one in the basket.(i wish i could be a better shooter).Our next opponent is a combination of UTP basketball representative.oh yeah,we lost with 41-23.
Posted by orang minyak 0 comment(s)
Labels: bad luck, basketball, Ipoh, KTM, the mummy, utp basketball league
Saturday, August 2, 2008
August Updates!!
I feel like posting just to update bout myself.
-2 weeks in the new semester is boring.I have 4 subjects that require me to read(memorize facts) and 2 subjects with calculation(even though it is somehow hard,but at least,it is not boring).The boring-est part of it is there is a subject called 'introduction to petroleum engineering' where we have to sit for 8hours lectures(9am-5pm),and then,continues with 2 hours lecture of 'introduction to oil and gas'.From now on,i hate Thursday.
-Like previous semester,i live in village 1(the very same room) which i can easily go for evening sport and maghrib prayer.Talking bout sport,i am now attending basketball training(i missed the opportunity to match with MMU last saturday-so many good players).Tuesday will be my swimming day as monday and thursday will be my fasting day(looking ahead of Ramadhan).
-This semester,i don't know why i don't feel like i wanna join any activities,but somehow,i feel it's very important for my skills development.Now,i hold the post of head PnP for Karate Club(i just now know how to use photoshop) and AJK for lajnah ekonomi,Rakan Masjid.
I think that's all for now,i will keep more updates later.
p/s:i am now at my home(got tahlil 'ere).I miss my karate performance at MMK and my first duty as AJK lajnah's okay.they'll know it.
Posted by orang minyak 5 comment(s)
Labels: basketball, karate-do, mmk, rakan masjid, utp
Friday, July 25, 2008
Ayat-ayat cinta
I've watched the movie yesterday,which i downloaded it from DC++(still have many movies that i haven't watch it yet...LOL).It was a good movie,but i would like to share a scene that i'm interested in most.
It is when Fahri was accused to rape someone and he was sentenced in jail.There,he yelled and screaming,pleaded not guilty and asked for his freedom. But,there was a man who asked him to be patient.He told him that Allah was trying to tell him something.He told Fahri the story of prophet Yusuf.
Prophet Yusuf said;
"Ya Allah,sekiranya kehidupan di penjara adalah lebih baik daripada kehidupan di luar,aku lebih rela berada di sini tetapi dekat dengan Engkau daripada hidup di luar bersama manusia pendusta".
Allah has said in Quran(al-Baqarah,2:216)
"Diwajibkan atas kamu berperang,padahal itu tidak menyenangkan bagimu.Tetapi boleh menjadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu,padahal itu baik bagimu,dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu,padahal itu tidak baik bagimu.Allah Maha Mengetahui,sedang kamu tidak mengetahui".
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Labels: ayat-ayat cinta, patience
Saturday, July 19, 2008's all over.
I have had a great semester break from the first of June till 20th of July 2008...lots of things happen and i really enjoy it.Well,you know,living in UTP(i suppose,not only UTP) is tough with lots of assignments,tutorials,activities,etc...So,i really grab this opportunity to enjoy myself.Here are some things that i manage to remember during my semester break:
-There was a change of plan when i suppose to go back home.My dad called me that friday morning and he told me that he would pick me up after friday prayer which i was first told that i would be back home on sunday.He had planned it actually,to surprise my mom.My mom didn't ever recognize me at first as i wore cap that time and Atuk Jemah thought that i was Intan's boyfriend.LOL.
-During this semester break,i had to work my butt to carry all things as we removed back to our old 'new' house.(after renovation).The house is magnificient.If you compare the previous and the present,you will think,what magic have been done here.I have my own bed at last.LOL!!
-I remember that my brother had to pay 200 ringgit(if im not mistaken) when he reversed mom's car without closing the back door.Then, i had to hold the door all the time when my brother drove the car to a workshop in Shah Alam.Most of passer-by look at us.(especially me,who hold the door).
-A week before STE,i went out for three times in a row.Tuesday with my friend and we watched "Kung Fu Panda".Wednesday with my sister,we watched 'Apa Kata Hati'.I was really frustated with the person behind me.They all laugh like hell.Thursday with my MJSC PS friend,i forgot what we watched that time.
-I celebrated my 18th birthday in a jungle(hulu langat) when i had to attend STE program,compulsory for all Petronas scholars.The night before,we dine at Pizza Hut with Izaan(he stay a night with us).I got a new camera for my birthday present.Thanks to those who gave it.
-Izaan and me managed to watch 'Superhero Movies' before we went to KLCC to gather before departed to Agrotek resort.I had a great time in STE.Many things i had learnt there like TWB diamond.And i have learnt the importance of saving money(which i seldom save before).I met with lots of new friends and in a week,i managed to learn from others.
-I take all chances to drive mom's car.I have drove to Ikea(farthest,so far) and OU.Urm,but there was a day when the car suddenly turn dead which i did(something's wrong with the car after service-excuse) for about 5 times.LOL!!
-Two days after STE(23 rd of June),i went to MJSC PS to take my SPM result slip.There,i managed to meet Cikgu Amal(my BM teacher) who had helped a lot during my SPM time.She managed to remember my name.(that was great).When we reached there,it was already noon,so,there are only a few teachers i managed to meet.
-The night after,the four of us(me,fariq,akram and afandi,a.k.a saoxy) stay overnight at Damansara.(which i told my parents that i slept at my friend's house in Shah Alam-gomenasai).We only managed to play a game of pool as the outlet was about to close it's operation.Then,we lepaking at a mamak restaurant as we had nothing to do but to eat.After about an hour,after chit-chatting,we wandered around like stray dogs,homeless guys(which didn't plan at first).We slept at in front of Alfa Romeo's showroom and at the bus stop.LOL!!We had a breakfast at McDonald's before we went to our own house.(damn expensive).
-During my semester break,i went to KLIA to say goodbye to Azhar as he would further his study in Russia in engineering.That time,i wish i could study overseas too.That night,i stayed in Aizat's house in Shah Alam.We slept at 3 after two great movies.
-A week before i went to Sg.Wang with Izwan to shopping.I bought shoe,shirt,bag(for my bro) and a jean.LOL.For the first time,i spent like almost 200ringgit which i RAREly do in my entire life.It was great.
-My sister thought that i have a secret affair with Balqis which i don't.We are only FRIEND.Not more than that.Hurm,she was on her holiday too,which she seldom come back because she studies in Indonesia.We kinda met a lot(not two of us only-with the precense of others too).She sad because her youngest sister,a year old(if im not mistaken-bal,sorry kalo salah) cries whenever she want to cuddle her.Her sister doesn't know that Balqis is her sister.LOL.
-I managed to get an external hardisk at last!!Now,i can download many movies.LOL
-On my last day of holiday,we(mom,intan,irine and me) watched 'the journey to the center of the earth'.They enjoyed the movie a lot.We went shopping like i-dont-know-how-to-describe.The night,we ate at Pak Li's kopitiam.I enjoyed the food,but the drink was really sweet.LOL.
The time is 12:59 a.m,20th of July already.So, i think,i better stop here as i have to wake up early tomorrow.UTP,here i come!!
p/s:I am in a good spirit to turn over a new leaf
Posted by orang minyak 4 comment(s)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
A story
Assalamualaikum..greetings to all readers.
This post will be quite different to any other previous posts.It will be a short story of mine.Characters in this story would not be related to anyone and it is just a fiction.
Leonard was born in a rich family.His father was a leader of well-known mafia in the country and his mother had died given born to him.He was trained to be a good fighter so he that he would inherit his father's position in the future.He was trained to not have any mercy to anyone.His father once said to him"To be a good leader,you should lead with an iron fist,so people will fear and follow you.Do not let hesitation clouds your mind when you should kill your enemy in a single shot.It is a matter of life and death".So,he grew up as what his father had planned;created.
Years past and Rusell was not able to lead the mafia group as he grew older and so,he gave the position of his to Leonard.His followers respect Rusell and giving the throne to Leonard was a wise decision.Five years of Leonard's leadership had made the mafia group, 'XeroX' more powerful and their 'area' had expanded wider.People 'love' him so much.
So much crimes had trouble the citizen of The Ring.The police had to work hard in order to stop Leonard but nothing can stop XeroX so far.All had lost their hope but not to Dash.He was determined that he can stop Leonard in whatever way it takes.The police enforcement had closed the case of Leonard as no evidence can proof his guilty.Soon,Dash decided to work on his own,tracking this so called invisible Leonard.
Dash works paid off when he managed to track where Leonard lives.So,Dash housebreak Leonard's house carefully not to alert the alarm.He waited in Leonard's room.
Fatigue and exhausted,Leonard didn't notice any signs of intruder at all.With all the pains on his body after a great fight,he didn't think anything but to fall asleep.As soon as he stepped into his room,a gun was pointed onto his head."Don't make a silly move" Dash said to Leonard.
"Please,sit down." Leonard was confused with Dash as he thought he would probably be dead by now.
"I am here not to kill you.But to reveal you something that you might not know ever in your entire life."
"Huh?" Leonard was still confused.
"I am Dash,from The Ring police department".Dash introduced himself.
"Do i ever asked you?"Leonard chuckled but stop immediately when the gun was pointed to his right eye.
"Do you ever think,why did your mom died?Let me guess,your father should have created a story for you to believe in right?.What did he said to you,about your mother?"Dash asked.
"Uh..I was told that my mom died,given born to me.That's all.I only have a picture of my mom.She's pretty".
"She died because of that?And you believe it?"
"Yeah.Why should i not?I believe in my father.He is the only one that I know,that i can really trust in"Leonard answered,calmly.He was no longer confused nor felt the pain on his body.
"That's the main point.You think you can trust the people you know and somehow you just accept whatever they told you about?You should seek the truth for yourself!" Dash somehow yelled a bit.Dash sighed,to control his anger.
"Before that,have you ever think why did you kill people for no reasons?.And you know that what you do is not the right thing to do?".Dash added.
"Yeah.But,who cares.This is what i do in my entire life.I am loved by my followers,and people afraid of me." Leonard answered with pride.
"Your father did think over it.Rusell was ordered to kill his wife soon after you are born because she hate what Rusell did and always tried to stop him yet she love him .He love Daisy so much that he couldn't pull the trigger.And that's when your grandfather scold him for his hesitation.Rusell was trained to hate people just like you,just pull the trigger and it's all done.Simple."Dash explained everything that he knows.
"Why should i belive this nonesense that you are telling me?That's not my dad.I know him better"
"You want proof?Here!Read all of these things.I know it's hard for your to believe such stranger like me.But, when the truth is there,why don't you think over it?"Dash asked.
Leonard took the papers on the desk,he looked into everything and he knew that he couldn't believe his eyes.It were all the information that Dash had gathered about Leonard.
Sun Tzu once said-to defeat your enemy,you should know who your enemy is
"What do you want me to do?"asked Leonard.
"Leave the group.It's not your real life.You deserved a better future"
Leonard kept silence for a moment,setting all jigsaw pieces of his life into a picture. But he couldn't start at all.
"Here's the thing.To make things simple. If you are to pull a trigger to a person that you really love,what will you do?'Loved' by your followers that you didn't ever care at all of your 'brave act',or to be loved by the only one that love you so much that you have to kill ?"Think about it Leonard.
p/s:Thanks for those who read this not so good story."Merepek",that's the good word for this post.Yea??
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Reality TV
I'm really disappointed with our television station which they all race in serving our young generation with lots of useless entertainment.Yes,we enjoy the programs, but do we really benefit from it? We will only stick in front of the television,forgetting our compulsory responsible towards Allah. Don't you think it would be better if program that require us to remember songs lyrics is changed to program that require us to remember all surah in Al-Quran. Or at least,do programs that require knowledge usage such as 'who wants to be a millionaire' or 'are you smarter than a fifth grader'. Nowadays,entertainment is seen as heaven to all of us.I'm really disappointed to see young kids is nurtured with lots of entertainment that they all racing with each other to be an artist,or in another word,to be popular. In addition,their parents didn't even care with their childs attire.To them,to be an artist,you should wear like them. Our young generation is in dire need to be educated with Islamic teachings.It kept deteriorating year after year.
I'm really grateful to find out that our neighbour country has done a good job in educating their young generation,through reality TV programs. It is called PILDACIL which stands for pemilihan Daie cilik. I'm really suprised to see such small kids can even do better than me to deliver religious speech.Wonderful!!I'm relieved to find out that there are still people who willing to do such program.I hope more programs like that can be done in our country.
"Dan Kami telah menurunkan kitab(al-Quran) kepadamu(Muhammad) dengan membawa kebenaran,yang membenarkan kitab-kitab yang diturunkan sebelumnya dan menjaganya,maka putuskanlah perkara mereka menurut apa yang diturunkan Allah dan janganlah engkau mengikuti keinginan mereka dengan meninggalkan kebenaran yang telah datang kepadamu.Untuk setiap umat kepada kamu,Kami berikan aturan dan jalan yang terang.Kalau Allah menghendaki,nescaya kamu dijadikanNya satu umat(saja) tetapi Allah hendak menguji kamu terhadap karunia yang telah diberikan-Nya kepadamu,maka berlomba-lombalah berbuat kebajikan.Hanya kepada Allah kamu semua kembali,lalu diberitahukan-Nya kepadamu terhadap apa yang dahulu kamu perselisihkan"(5:48)
Posted by orang minyak 0 comment(s)
Labels: entertainment, PILDACIL, reality TV
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Why women need to do more than men
I've read about an issue raised by SIS days before(maybe a week ago),that they are not satisfied with a restriction by Kelantan government that they(women) are prohibit to use lipstick and high heels which might attract Men's nafs.They argued that why should men never been told to control their intention towards women.They blame Men.
Allow me to highlight what Allah has said in the Holy Quran
"Katakanlah kepada laki-laki yang beriman,agar mereka menjaga pandagannya,dan memelihara kemaluaannya,yang demikian itu lebih suci bagi mereka.Sungguh Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang mereka perbuat"(24:31)
"Dan katakanlah kepada para perempuan yang beriman agar mereka menjaga pandangannya dan memelihara kemaluannya dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya(auratnya),kecuali yang(biasa)terlihat.Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kerudung ke dadanya,dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya(auratnya) kecuali kepada suami mereka,atau ayah mereka,atau ayah suami mereka,atau putra-putra mereka,atau putra-putra suami mereka,atau saudara-saudara lelaki mereka,atau putra-putra saudara lelaki mereka,atau putra-putra saudara perempuan mereka,atau para perempuan(sesama Islam)mereka,atau hamba sahaya yang mereka miliki,atau pelayan laki-laki(tua) yang tidak mempunyai keinginan (terhadap perempuan),atau anak-anak yang belum mengerti tentang aurat perempuan.Dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kakinya agar diketahui perhiasan yang mereka sembunyikan.Dan bertobatlah kamu semua kepada Allah,wahai orang-orang yang beriman,agar kamu beruntung"(24:32)
Look how Allah emphasis more to women than men.Look how detail Allah has told women about their aurat.Yes,men should cover their sight too(as claimed by SIS) but not to forget that women should cover their aurat properly.
Allah has said in Sura Al-An'am to show how detail Allah’s revelations towards mankind.
"Dan demikianlah Kami terangkan ayat-ayat Al-Quran(agar terlihat jelas jalan orang-orang yang saleh) dan agar terlihat jelas(pula)jalan orang-orang yang berdosa"(6:55)
There is a reason why men always attracted to women other than anything else.Allah has said it in sura Al-imran.He mentioned women first and then follow by others. It is also proven by survey that men always think about women.
“Dijadikan terasa indah dalam pandangan manusia cinta terhadap apa yang diinginkan,berupa perempuan-perempuan,anak-anak,harta benda yang bertumpuk dalam bentuk emas dan perak,kuda pilihan,hewan ternakan dan sawah ladang.Itulah kesenangan hidup di dunia dan di sisi Allah-lah tempat kembali yang baik”(3:14)
Allah really know about humankind that He manage to explain completely and detail.Afterall,we are His creature isn’t it. We should use all of our senses to explore what Allah has revealed to us,not to misuse it. Like in surah al-a’raf
“Dan sungguh,akan kami isi neraka jahanam banyak dari kalangan jin dan manusia.Mereka memiliki hati,tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami(ayat-ayat Allah) dan mereka memiliki mata(tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk melihat(tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah),dan mereka mempunyai telinga(tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengarkan(ayat-ayat Allah).Mereka seperti haiwan ternak,bahkan lebih sesat lagi.Mereka itulah orang-orang yang lengah”(7:179)
We wouldn’t want to be worse than animal right? Think again.
p/s:This post isn’t pointed to anyone. It is just for us to think back and check ourselves.
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Soaring The eagle
S.T.E.This is the programme that i attend last two weeks,compulsory for all Petronas scholars.Mainly,it is to motivate students to perform better in their studies and to bring awareness of their responsibilities towards Petronas.
It was held in Agrotek Resort,Hulu Langat(near the place i sat for my driving test with JPJ).At first,i was not really into the programme as i know,it will be boring as other motivation programme.But,heaven!!it was unlike what i thought at the first place.Petronas did a good job to entertain their participants in that programme.Most of the students satisfied and they want more.Including me.:P
It's main onjective is to let students aware and master 6 things in total well being or also known as TWB diamond.It is studies,relationship,finance,mind,body and spiritual.All is covered except studies.
What i like about it is how the fascilitators manage to make the activities fun and interesting.How they did it?They treat us like a young kids.YUP!!We were asked to draw our dreams.Draw what is in our head when certain words is given.We were also given sweets and drinks in the class.We sang songs,dancing,sleeping together,sharing experience.It is very wonderful,even i cannot explain it exactly.
There,UTP students was given a chance to meet their overseas student(students who further their studies overseas).You can see the difference between them obviously.The overseas students are more socialise and more bold unlike UTP students,some or not.But,what i like is they are being so supportive. On the last night of our programme,there is a karaoke competition.Most of the contestants are from UTP and about two or three from overseas. The winner was Joe,from the overseas students.He rocks that night!He's very talented.He's the medical students who is fortunate to be under Petronas scholarship.For your information,there are only 10students chosen by Petronas to further study in Medical.Others are engineering.Hurm,UTP students sucks that night,but the overseas students kept supporting them,eventhough,the night was like-UTP versus overseas.LOL.Unlike UTP students,when their opponent sings,they didn't cheer at all.
One of the activities that i remember is 'words that kills' in the Relationship diamond.We learnt about harsh words that can hurt feelings and we were told to make it less hurtful.LOL..Then,the session continue with 'heart writing.'A session to write all things that u hate about a friend of yours.Hurm,honestly,i didn't write anything because i don't have any.During that session,i wonder why there are none in my mind.Then,i started to think whether they are someone who hates me very much.It is because i hardly know how people feel,especially towards me.My friend had once said that i say anything i like without considering what other felt.So,in that 'heart writing session',i wrote-'to anyone who hates me,please tell me.I really don't know you all felt and i really want to apology for everything that i've done.I'm really sucks in this thing'(something like that laa).In the end,we were asked to trash the written paper if we were ready to forgive someone who we hate so much.Most trash,some keep it(not ready yet to forgive).
Then,there is also a session that what we wanna tell our parents.Anything that we sorry for,we hate or anything that we feel that time.We were asked to write it down on a piece of paper.I wrote-"I'm sorry to both of my parents,to mom especially because she had to retired early just because to take care for all of us(siblings),me especially,because of my poor performance in studies(after jump class)".Then,i started to think.Maybe,that's why my parents didn't allow me to study overseas.I might ended like what i decide during my PTS.After the writing session,we were asked to volunteer ourselves to share anythings.But anything that we told would remain in that class.Hurm,i listened to stories and i'm very grateful to have a happy family.I didn't share anythings because most of the stories are very sad to hear.Honestly,i shed tears too.(tapi cover2 la).Most of them had a bad relationship with their parents,especially with their father.I love u mak,abah.
What else eh?foods.Wonderful.We were served 6 times a day just to eat.Very delicious.The best night was on the karaoke night where we had BBQ too.I ate 'kaki kambing'.People were like 'uh?is this guy for real'.LOL.I ate it because most of the parts was already eaten by others when i came down for BBQ.(i was late that night).
Overall,the programme was very enjoyable.We are EAGLES.
Posted by orang minyak 0 comment(s)
Friday, June 13, 2008
we are not a rich country??
Yesterday,i read a statement made by Datuk Shahrir saying that Malaysia is not a rich country.Hurm,i was wondering why did he thought of that when our economy is said to be increasing handsomely(long time ago) where Bursa Malaysia had jumped into a so-called the highest She has ever reached,over a trillion.Well,considering the people who are not fortunate enough,(struggle hard in their lives-lots of letter are published in Utusan), what Datuk Shahrir claimed was quite true.I wonder,why the 'kadar kemiskinan' is said to be decreasing over the years when there are lots of people who are still in the poor state.The government should consider back what is the level for people who are in 'kemiskinan' state.Previous level cannot be used again considering the inflation rate,lifestyles and increasing of 'taraf kehidupan'.
Two years ago(SPM-06),in Islamic religion class,the Ustaz said that how could the 'Pusat zakat' made a lot of profit(actually,he was discussing about a case where there was a worker who misused the profit).He said,why don't the profit(over a million) is contributed to the poor people?That much of money sure can help those unfortunate.He mentioned of the Era after the prophet Muhammad died(wafat),where people have to travel over a country just to search for poor people to pay their zakat.It showed that the country was so rich(there were no poor people qualified to accept zakat) that people had to travel just to complete the fourth 'rukun islam'. He questioned us,whether we are generous enough to donate most of our belongings to the other,taken prophet's companions as examples?Most of us answered,we didn't think we were that generous.So,he gave us an anology.
1.There is a big,beautiful house(rich) surrounded by many dilapidated houses.
2.There are common houses that look the same.
In the first condition,if you were to live in that big beautiful house,you might live a comfortable house but your heart will never ever calm,as you will worry about your safety,fearing of any robbery that could occur.That's because the poor one will always jealous over the fortunate one and they might throw stones at your big house.
In the second condition,you will live not so comfortable house but you will always calm,no much to worry and there will be no one will have bad feelings towards you.Isn't great?
Hurm,well, this post is just about my thought to be shared with you all.Nothing is meant for certain people.
I hope the very best that those who have right to handle all this kind of thing to use their authority in proper so that all of us can live happily.Worldy and hereafter.
Posted by orang minyak 0 comment(s)
Labels: datuk shahrir, zakat
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Overuse Is Losing(O.I.L)
Salam and greetings to all readers.
This post will be about the current issue-oil price. Note as a reminder that I will not side any body in this country as this is only thought of mine.
I have been browsing the net and read through articles and there are lots of things that i get from others. Some are annoyed with the government and some just tell us to be patience and start to learn how to cut short our expenses. But,mostly,blame the government for the unreasonable increment.(Based on the statistics of previous increment,it can be seen that this year increment is the most highest-78cents.)
(You know what,i guess correctly when i say government will say the actual increment is 1Ringgit but they will say they give discount 30cents.LOL)
From what i can get through reading are:
1.Why did the Prime Minister suddenly announced the new oil price?why not later?
2.Why not the Prime Minister just let the price rise slowly-by phase,not drastically.
3. A minister said that the price will be announced on August.why now?
4. Those minister tell us to change our lifestyles(the poor people) but what about them(the upper class people)?
5.It's unfair for the upper class to have same subsidies like the poor people.
6.Why the Prime Minister always tell our oil price is cheaper when our per income capital is lower than other countries?This is how they(ministers) want to tricks our mind(NOTE:it's not me who says,this is what i found)
7.Why do the government still increase the oil price when we are the net exporter of oil,where we shouldn't be affected by the oil price.
8.PETRONAS can make a lot of profits and why not subsidies the profits?
9.And the list will go on...etc2
(As a Petronas scholar,i am not please when people always talk about the profit that Petronas gets.It's not that i'm against it but what i'm not please is when people want more of Petronas profits to support oil subsidies.Yesterday, i read about what Tan Sri Dato Sri Mohd Hassan Marican said in the newspaper. He mention that 33.5billion of its profits has already been channeled to the government to subsidies oil.He said that,people should know that the cost of oil exploration and research has already increase too. That means,Petronas should also spend more on to reinvest for it's company to grow.He added that most of other oil companies fail to excel when lots of their profits is given to the country.As for me,i wonder does the government really make use of Petronas profit to subsidies oil or not?-sigh)
I also received another opinion from my dad over our breakfast.He said that,the more government spend on subsidizing oil,the more greedy people will overuse the oil-which then,will increase the number of cars on road(I've read this too on newspaper article a long time ago where the writer compares Petronas and Pertamina.He says thatPertamina was once one of the top oil company in the world but it fell when more of its profit was used to support oil subsidizing) .It's not so hard to change our lifestyles. When buying for example,do we eat nasi lemak only or nasi lemak with sotong,telur and so on.We choose the best way to save our money.It's up to us actually.
I agreed with him but suddenly i remember some other thing i read.
"Apa yang orang kaya cakap pasal kemiskinan tak sama dengan apa yang orang miskin cakap pasal kemiskinan"
I am quite fortunate because i was born not from a rich family but from a quite good economically-established family.I might not affected the whole(still student) but i can see what the poor people felt(but i know,i didn't feel the same way as they did).Thanks to my father who asked me to get a job while waiting for SPM results last two years.It was really tiring to be a waiter who sometimes got on-call duties but still get low earnings(yeah i know,part-timer only get few,but not as what i thought it was).I had made a calculation where i suppose to get 400++ but i only manage to get 300++.That's because of uniform fee,EPF and so on. There was also a brother(who's older than me) who will to come to Kelana Jaya from Shah Alam just to be a sushi-maker.When i asked why don't he just work on his area,he answered that there are no jobs for him to occupy.He had to ride a motorcycle just to get to workplace. He only got 1000++ not including overtime.I wonder how he would manage to survive if he was still to work there(His presence is no longer on sushi king-he might quit the job i think)
I think i have talk to much that i have run from what i want to say.My point is we should be with the poor people when we want to talk about the poor people.(NOTE:i'm not trying to argue that what my father said was wrong.Because i know,he had felt the difficult times a long time ago to support our family.So,what he said make sense.Thanks dad for everything)
All in all,we shouldn't blame anyone for this issue. What we can do is to find solutions to settle all matters. What i can recommend is let us get back to the Holy Quran-a book that covers all aspect of our lives and it is still practical till the End of the Day.Like what God says in Surah Muhammad,47:24
"Maka tidakkah mereka menghayati Al-Quran ataukah hati mereka sudah terkunci?"
Let us refresh our mind.
1.As for saving,we should kill our nafs.Like in surah Al-Jathiyah,45:23
"Maka pernahkah kamu melihatnya orang-orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya sebagai Tuhannya dan Allah membiarkan sesat berdasarkan ilmunya dan Allah telah mengunci mati,pendegarannya dan hatinya dan meletakkan tutupan atas penglihatannya.Maka siapakah yang akan memberikan petunjuk setelah Allah(membiarkannya sesat)maka mengapa kamu tidak mengambil pengajaran"
Do you all know that jihad against our nafs is the greatest jihad of all?
2.It's true we might angry towards our government over certain issues,but we should never talk bad things about them.Like in Surah al-Hujurat,49:12
"Wahai orang-orang beriman,jauhilah kebanyakan dari prasangka,sesungguhnya sebahagian dari prasangka itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain dan janganlah sebahagian kamu mengumpat sebahagian yang lain.Sukakah salah seorang di antara kamu memakan daging saudaranya yang sudah mati?Maka tentulah kamu merasa jijik kepadanya.Dan bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah.Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penerima Taubat lagi Penyayang"
Indeed,we should always think good of others.
3.For those who are quite fortunate,help those who are unlucky.Like in Surah Muhammad,47:38
"Ingatlah,kamu adalah orang-orang yang diajak untuk menginfakkan (hartamu)di jalan Allah.Lalu di antara kamu ada orang yang kikir, dan barang siapa kikir maka sesungguhnya dia kikir terhadap dirinya sendiri.Dan Allah-lah Yang Maha kaya,dan janganlah kamu yang membutuhkan(karunianNya).Dan jika kamu berpaling(dari jalan yang benar)Dia akan menggantikan(kamu) dengan kaum yang lain,dan mereka tidak akan (durhaka) seperti kamu"
As for me,i hold on
"Jika kamu mengejar akhirat,dunia pasti datang"
Its analogy is like a body,a source of light and a shadow.If you after your own shadow(world),you will stay where you are(stray form the right path).But,when you run to the source of light(akhirat),the shadow(world) will always follow you.
I know that my understanding in Islam is not so good,but Allah says,we should always remind others.Like in Surah az-Zaariyat,51:55 and Surah al-Asr,103:1-3.We are never perfect in all,so,we should never ever wait to be perfect to remind others
That's all for now.Let me highlight you all again that this post has nothing to do to any side of party,body,individual or so on.It is just a share of opinion of mine.
p/s:In future,i might have difficulties in finding job(Petroleum engineer),so i think i suppose to work harder from now on to safe a good position in job.I have read in some articles,which i have forgotten from where i read it,but it stated that-It's true that oil is drying out,but,it is only on from the spot that we have discovers.There are still about two third yet to be discovered soon.(i hope what it says is correct)
Thanks for reading guys.
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Labels: oil, Petronas, price incrment, Quran