Baru2 ni ak bru je tgk wayang "The Princess and the frog" bersama kakak dan adik tersayang. Cite ni mengisahkan seorang wanita berkulit hitam,Tiara yang mempunyai cita2 yang tinggi untuk mendirikan sebuah restoran impian bersama dengan ayahnya. Disebalik kemiskinannya, die masih bekerja keras dengan mengumpul tip2 yang diberikan di restoran tempat kerjanya.Hidup Tiara berubah bila die bertemu dengan seekor katak iaitu Prince Naveen yg telah ditukar oleh witchdoctor.Banyak halangan yang menimpa Tiara dalam menggapai impiannya iaitu mendirikan sebuah restoran bernama 'Tiara's Place'.
Lagi satu cite motivasi yang boleh membakar semangat korang adelah cite JUMP arahan Stephen Chow.Cite ni mengisahkan seorang wanita kampung,Phoenix yang suke menari wlaupon ditentang ayahnya yang lebih menggemari kungfu. Hidupnya mula berubah bila Phoenix diterima kerja di bandar dan pada satu hari dia secara xsngaja terjumpa satu kelas tarian. Oleh kerana xde duit, Phoenix kerja sebagai tukang cuci je di situ.Dapat belajar secara haram pon jadi laa.Banyak laa halangan dalam cite ni untuk Phoenix mencapai impiannya.Nak taw,tengok la sendiri kat wayang.
Sememangnya kita sangat termotivasi bila menonton cerita2 sebegini,lagi2 bila citenya happy ending.Melihat orang menggapai impian sememangnya senang berbanding kite sendiri yang menggapainya.Pernah tak kite mempunyai impian?Pernahkah kite sendiri mengalami segala cabaran itu?Dan berjayakah kite mencapainya?Bukan mudahhh!
Cuba kite fikir,ape impian kite pernah ade.Mungkin mengurangkan berat badan sebanyak 5,10 ataupon 20kg.Macam mana nak kurangkan berat badan?Diet dan Senaman kan?
Mase awal2 nak kurangkan berat memang berkobar2,yelaa baru lepas tengok biggest loser kot.Bila da start diet,memang sangat mencabar bila ayam goreng, kari ikan, nasi bryiani,mcD ditukar ganti oleh sayur2an,buah2an,yogurt dan lain2.Apatah lagi bila diri boleh duduk depan laptop sambil berfacebook,chatting dan tengok movie berbanding perlu bangun awal pagi atau lewat petang untuk berjogging, berenang ataupon work-out.
Kalau pernah tengok cite 'run fatboy run', ade sorang tu(da lupa nama dia) cakap,kite akan jumpa satu wall yang sangat besar masa perjalanan larian nanti.Di saat tu,kite akan toleh belakang dan hnya nampak wall yang sangat tinggi di depan kite.yang menentukan adalah kekuatan kite untuk memecahkan tembok tu.
Itulah yang terjadi pada diri kite.Bila tengah semangat yang menjulang, setelah makan yogurt berhari dan berjogging berjam2 setiap hari,sampai satu point kite berhenti sekejap.Kite pon berfikir."Da macam2 aku buat xde efek pon.Still banyak je lemak ni.Xjadi pon tough macam orang tu".Then,penentunya adelah kite sendiri,sama ada teruskan dan lipat gandakan usaha ataupon give up sebab diri ni xakan jadi seperti yang diingini.
"Nak memulakan sesuatu perubahan bukanlah susah, nak mengekalkan perbubahan tu la kesusahannya"-dipetik dr cite JUMP,tapi susunan ayt tunggang langgang.
p/s:Kisah diatas tiada kene mengena dengan penulis ataupon mana2 orang yang masih hidup ataupon yang telah meninggal dunia.Kisah ini adalah rekaan semata-mata.LOL.Adios
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Menggapai Impian
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: dreams
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Code Blue
When you have nothing to do during the holiday,the best thing to do is to finish all movies or series that you've downloaded.
Today i'm goin to share with you guys a J-drama called Code Blue. It's a story of how 4 interns try to achieve their dreams becoming a flight doctor. Eventhough at first they are not very kind to each other, but they manage to work together eventually. The story is full with emotions where sometimes you can feel how disappointed they are when they fail to save one's life.
Eventhough i'm not so please to watch how the operation goes on with the blood everywhere, needles, scalpels,etc2, i manage to finish it from the start till the end. When i watch people's arm have to be amputated, the skull has to be drilled and many more in order to save one's life, i'm so grateful that i'm not in their shoes. You should be grateful to GOD while you can still enjoy what HE has given us.
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Benda yang tak patut dilakukan semasa cuti
Hello readers!
Lame dah tak update kat blog ni sbb tak tau pon nak update ape.Takde rase ape sgt kot nak share sbb takde mnde yg interesting pown nak share.
Hurm,post kali ni bkn lah mnde interesting pown nak share,mende tak interesting.Tapi tak kisah,nak share gak.mwahahaha.
Erm,cuti yang panjang ni,ade lah gak dipenuhi dgn tgk wayang brsama keluarga or rakan2. Boleh la kire banyak cite da tengok.Cuma agk kecewa ar dgn cite Storm Warrior yg baru ditonton semalam.Rase cam men bowling lg best dr tgk cite tuu.
Memule tu,dorongan nk tgk adlh disebabkn iklannya yg terlampau MACAM best.Mase nk beli tiket tu adelah diskas2 ngn mmber.Couple retreat cm tok psgn2.Princess n frog cm tok kanak2.Zombieland cm cite klaka tah pape kot.Oleh sbb ktorg ni laki yg boleh tahan kelakiannya,maka nk la tengok cite ganaz2 skit. KONON laaa. N then,decide laa tgk cite Storm Warrior tuuu.
1st skali mase tgk cite tu baru taw tu adlh smbgn cite no 1.Tu yg mmber ak ckp laa.So, xpe,wat2 phm jelaa.Member ak lg 2org tu da pnh tgk yg 1st,so diorg mgkn fhm lbey detail cite tuu. 10minit pertama je mmber ak da ckp.."What the heck cite ni.korang beli cite ap ni".Ak pn layan jelaaa.Mungkin awal2 jelaa kot kan xbest.Masih tekun menonton.
Da sejam lebih,boleh ckp smpai ending cite tu ak msh rse xtrhibur.Storyline common ar,da bole agak cite die cmne.Fighting scene die tahap biasa2 jer.Tension jugak sbb die bnyk sgt pakai slow-mo.Sikit2 sude laaa.Menampakkan fighting tu xreal langsung.Yang paling xbest,diorang dah malas nak wat aksi lawan2,diorg lukis katun je nak melihatkan mrk tgh lawan.Hampeh gilerrr arrr.
Dialog citu tu pon boleh dikatekan sampah la.Xde pown 'kate2 hikmah' yg boleh diingati after cite tu.Mmg boleh dikatekan sume psl cite tu laa ak xsuke.Xde pownn yg nk dipuji.
Yang xboleh blah, da abes cite tu,baru la kitorang gelak2 gile sakan.Bkn sbb cite tu klaka ke ap,sbb sume part ktorg kutok kaw2 smpai ktawa trbahak2.Aku rase ni la cite yang ak banyak kali cakap "Okay cepat lah abes".
Kpd sesape yang tringin menonton cite tu,ak nasihatkan pikir la org trsayang bfore tgk cite tu.Jangan mnyesal mcam ktorg dah ar.Better la tgk myspy kerr wlopn cite arahan afdlin tu mngecewakan skit drpd filem2nya yang laen.At least ad la thibur gak brbanding storm warrior.
p/s:Selamat menikmati semester break.
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The End of Semester 3 July '09
Today(25/11/09) is the day that all PE-ian students have been waiting for.This semseter, we are all unlucky because we are the last programme that have final examination today. After all the hardship, we manage to finish Drilling Engineering paper. :)
Today i have started packing all my stuffs. The tiring part was to think which one to pack and which one to dispose. After all,i'm glad that i have managed to clear my room about 85% completion.LOL.
Well,tired of typing.Let's see some pictures.
The Bags...
The Books(for the entire semester)
The food, taking a break while watching movies!
See you again UTP next year!I'm comin home...Weee :)
Posted by orang minyak 6 comment(s)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Final Examination
This semester is different from previous semsters since there's no study week. It's because of H1N1 outbreak long ago.*sigh*
Overall, the final examination timetable quite fine but one. Fluid Mechanics and Islamic studies in the same day. Plus, the gap between papers are too short too revise both (~__~). This is my final examination timetable.
- Probability and Statistics (11November 2009-Wednesday)
- Principle of Reservoir Engineering (14 November 2009-Saturday)
- Fluid Mechanics and Islamic studies (16 November 2009- Monday)
- Reservoir Geoscience (21 November 2009- Saturday)
- Drilling Engineering (25 November 2009- Wednesday)
Peace and Good Luck to everyone who has final too. V(^__^)V
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Labels: exam
Thursday, October 29, 2009
PRK UTP 2009
Election MPP kat UTP baru je abis semalam(28/10/2009). Dan kebiasaannya memang tak rase sangat laa macam ade pilihan raya kat UTP ni.Yang jelas cuma poster2 di tampal di merata2 tempat. Candidates thn ni kurang brbanding last year,cuma 6org jer tahun ni.Tak silap,tahun lepas xde calon non-Muslim macam tahun ni.Tahun ni da ade sorang wakil dari kaum india, Jenani.
Kalau korang bukan budak2 UTP,baca la di blog ni nak tau lbey lanjut pasal isu2 politik di UTP.Aku bukanlah pakar nak cite lebih2 cuma dah 2nd year kat UTP boleh lah jugak di gelar senior n taw pasal mende2 terjadi kat sini.
Macam2 before ni,calon2 yang bertanding dihantar dari RM, sorang calon bebas n sorang lagi,dgr2 cita mcm 'bekerja' jugak dgn RM ni.xtaw la betol salahnye.Cumanya, kalau korang bace bnyk comment dari dak2 UTP,yang dah masak dgn UTP ni,mesti prasan yang dorang suma xsuka PRKUTP sbb slalunya RM yang akan menerajui pucuk pimpinan.Yang xbest didengar adalah,dorang maen cara kotor sedangkan mereka adalah rakan Rumah Allah.
In my opinion,RM ni xptt jadi wakil pelajar.Sebabnya, dorang salu dgn geng2 dorg jer n dak2 laen yang xmcm dorg akan dipinggirkan.Macam2 event kat UTP ni ponnn diconquer oleh dorang.
Last year,aku masuk HalalFest,saje berjinak2 dgn event2 di UTP.Ada satu kali tuu,aku kene book tempat utk expo and forum.Nilah perbualan aku ngn abang tuu.
Abang:Ni nak ape ni?
Aku:Nak book undercroft dengan depan IRC tok HalalFest.
Abang:Bak sni aku tengok memo(xingat die nak tgk ape dat time..memo kot rasenye)
(Abang tu membelek2 kertas tuu)
Abang:Eh,tadi bukan da ade orang da book tempat ke?
Aku:Yeke?xtaww la pulak.sebab head saya yang sruh saya book time ni.
Abang:Tulaa korang,selalu je serabut.Abang bukan nak cakap ape,cuma kitaorang dah serik dgn event2 RM.setiap kali kasi barang,mesti ade je problem.Cuba ko tengok dak2 cina,setiap yang kitorang kasi,suma lengkap.Mesti on time dorang kasi.
Aku:Ohhh...saya baru taww.Saya baru lagi dalam event2 ni bang.
Abang:Haaa...okay la.nanti aku catat.
Point dekat sini adalah,nak menunjukkan betapa RM yang kononnya badan yang berkaliber tu pon dah dipandang rendah oleh staf2.Dak2 foundy ngn 1st year je yang mcm suci sikit.Dah masuk 2nd year mungkin dah xkene ketuk pintu n disuruh hafal no untuk mengundi lagi.
Hurm,takkan nak kene ade pakatan perlu ditubuhkan semata2 nak 'menentang' mereka.UTP-ian should go out and vote!Kesian acap kalah.Dia patut kot berada kat kerusi MPP.
p/s:Xbermaksud ponn nak cakap RM ni salah.Cuma kurang gemar dengan cara bekerja.tu jerr.PEACE
Posted by orang minyak 7 comment(s)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tadi mase bukak facebook, teringat waktu nak dekat2 raya arituu, ramai jerr hantar duit raya pakai 'pak cik kayo', di mana, duit2 cyber deberikan kepada sesape jerr kite nak.ade yg rm1 laaa, rm 2 laa, rm 50 ponn ade.yang lagi gempakk..ade yang 'bank edition',juta2 ponn bole kasi.
Pada hari raya yang kebrape ntahhh,aku tnya adik aku.
Aku:Adik, nak duit raya!
Adik:Ne bole.takde duit laa nak kasi.
Aku:Alaa,kat facebook boleh.siap kasi juta2 lagi.
Adik:Alaaaaa,tu kat facebook boleh laaa.
Ape aku nak cite bukanlah pasal application facebook ataupon perbualan tuuu.Yang nak dikongsikan adalah kite ni sebenarnya suka nak membantu orang. Kalau duit kite banyak gilosss macam dalam facebook tu,berjuta2 kasi ponn xkisah.Realitinya, kite ni xde la duit banyak smpai mampu nak tolong ramai giler orang.Kadang2 tuuu,sedekah pas abis semayang jumaat pon jadi laaa.At least, seminggu ade sekali sedekah.
Bukan hanya duit
Kite nak membantu bukan semestinya dengan duit. Korang pernah tak merasakn kebahagiaan bila dapat bantu orang laen?Kalau x banyak pon,at least bila kite dapat tolong org yg perlukan pertolongan,kite msti cam proud of ourselves sbb dpt tolong.tu laa sebenarnya firah kite.
Sucikan lah diri kite dengan kembali kepada fitrah.Banyak2kan laa membantu orang2 laen.=)
Tangan yang menghulur adalah lebih baik dari tangan yang menerima kann?
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: fitrah
Friday, October 9, 2009
This Week Updates!
Last night was fantastic. Thanks to the committee who successfully make the PE Raya Dinner such a good memory to remember.Thanks to Fuad and Fiqie. Their hardworkship paid off last night and thanks to all PE-ian 07/07 and 07/08 who came. These are several photos. For more, visit my facebook profile.
This weekend i would not be around UTP since i'm responsible to handle Martial Art Fest at Padang Sultan Abdul Aziz, Ipoh. Come and join us there.Lots of activities and games waiting.
Posted by orang minyak 0 comment(s)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Dieting has become a trend nowadays especially among teenagers. The reason is to maintain fit body, to achieve our desired weight and to have a healthy body. Some find it good and not to say, some are annoyed too. People who are not on diet felt that as if they are left behind. Well, we should not diet because of our friends who, but we should do that because we want to.
The problem in dieting is;people tend to believe when diet, we should eat less food. The statement is slightly yes, but the better one is we should eat less food with high calorie such as fat. One of the good way to put off this problem is to switch to low calorie food. Never try to eat little.
Not to forget our physical exercises. Our muscles need to work too instead of just serving our stomach less. Many find this hard because physical exercises involve lots of loads. Well, no pain no gain right?
Start slow, have an aim in your diet.Do SMART
Well, to those who are on diet, good luck and never give up. You deserve the shape and weight that you dream of.
p/s:I just randomly write this because i am officially on diet.Gambate!
Posted by orang minyak 5 comment(s)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
How to finish reading book?
I have difficulty in finishing what i read. At first, i was excited to read.As time goes on,the excitement faded and then it started to be one page a day, one page per two day and then weeks and then months.:P
Until now, there are about three or four books i half-read. The book was great but the problem is in me.*Sigh*. If i were to continue back,i might forget the earlier part of the book which i might having difficulty reading the middle and ending part.Hehehe..Poor me ehh?
Well, i want to continue back what i read,but the time is not ready yet.*Lotsa of test(alasan jerr)*
What's your opinion?
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Monday, October 5, 2009
How to tell others the way we want without they misunderstood us?
Well, the title speaks for itself.
I have difficulty in telling others what i want from them without them feel hurt.Sometimes, people say better not telling the truth because we don't want them to feel sad.Sometimes, people say just tell the truth and explain why we want it; but it might lead to conflict.
*Sigh*I really hope others are like me, which i would not feel hurt by my own words.But people are different.Face it.
Any ideas how to tell others without hurting them?
Posted by orang minyak 5 comment(s)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Raya Holiday
Yeah,the busy week is finally over.Now, i'm thinking of going back home.Miss my family.He3.
So,what kept me away from blogging?Study for tests of course:P This week,i just finished two tests which supposedly to be three.One of it will be postpone until after the Raya holiday over.(Sighhh~~).Still need to study after holiday.
Oh yeahh,one another reason is,i'm too lazy to write.LOL.There's many things i want to share but i don't know why i don't write.
Today(18 september),there's lots of empty spaces for student to park their cark which normally some have to illegally park their cark on non-parking spot.They're leaving UTP so soon.If i don't have lab on friday, i would go back right after the fluid mechanics test yesterday.:P
So,what am i going to do when i got home?
- Having lots of fun with loved ones.
- Relaxing after all the stress.
- Study for Drilling Test?:P
- I hope i can write more posts.It's like every month a post only.Hope someday i can write each day.
- Try to make special banner for this coming raya.
p/s:Lagu-lagu raya sudah lama berkumandang di bilik nihh.he3
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Food and I
This Ramadhan,i've learnt how to cook!he3...what a surprise ehh?
The first meal i cooked was nasi goreng tomyam which i learn form my roomate,iz'aan.YUMMY.A good start for a beginner.Then, the second one, i made nasi goreng kampung,this one without instruction from my sifuu.:P Not bad too!Got many compliments.he3.
The third one, the three of us-Iz'aan,haris and me made black pepper chicken and nasi goreng ayam.I never know that cooking can be interesting too.After this, wanna learn more.:P
Sorry, i forgot to snap the first and second meal.:)
credit to haris who took this photo.
Posted by orang minyak 4 comment(s)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Malaysia sudah berumur 52tahun
Sedar tak hari ni kita sudah menyambut kemerdekaan buat kali yang ke 52?Hurm,well, semalam masa tengah jalan2 di malam hari,tiba2 terdengar bunyi bunga api.Banyak jugak bunga api dilepaskan.
Saya:Hurm,awal lagi kott nak raya.Baru seminggu pose.Kenapa la budak2 da main bunga api.
Kawan saya: Ape pulak raya.Dah pukul 12 kot nii.Merdeka lahhh.
Saya: Aah laa.Lupa.he3.
Sangat menyedihkan sebab saya sendiri lupa Malaysia da merdeka buat kali ke 52.Kalau setakat ingat tarikh tuu,taw la kann.Tapi dah xfeeling menyambut di UTP.
Ingat lagi, time Foundation 1st Sem dekat UTP.Time2 malam merdeka,saya dengan kawan2 semangat berjalan jauh ke MPH untuk countdown dan tengok pelajar2 berarak.(Kalau nak taw,jarak v6 dengan MPH sangat la malas utk brjalan.Da la time tuu ade construction wat jalan baru depan CH tuu). Time tuu, countdown merdeka and bile da pukul 12 sume orang bersorak.Pastu nyanyi lagu Malaysia dengan lagu2 patriotik yang lain.
Time 1st year 1st sem pulak, sambutan merdeka semakin malap. Countdown merdeka dah xde,yang ada cuma pertandingan menghias village masing2.Ade la collection duit dibuat untuk mencantikkan lagi village dengan bendera2.Sayangnya, v1 kalah time tuu.Tak silap v3 yang menang.
Sekarang nii,2nd year 1st sem,sambutan sangatlah malap.Sampai boleh lupa.ha3.Yang ada,cuma bendera2 yang dipasang di entrance masuk UTP.tu jelaaa.Walaupon ade event yang dipanggil independence week,tapi event tuu sangat laa xberjaya.Sebab,cam xnampak apa2 pownn.
Begitu lah kemerdekaan di UTP.Semakin tua saya di UTP,semakin malap kemerdekaan ituu.Student lain pon cam xamik kisah.Camna nak semarakkan semangat itu ehh?
p/s:Saya belum merdeka lagi.Esok ade Quiz n kene submit report.Khamis ade Test Principle of Reservoir Engineering.Jumaat kene submit Assignment n Report.
p/p/s: Yang penting bagi saya,merdekakan minda anda.Jangan dijajah oleh sesetengah pemikiran yang mengongkong diri anda untuk terus maju.Go3!Fight3!Win3!
Posted by orang minyak 5 comment(s)
Labels: Merdeka
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ya Ramadhan...
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan.Bersyukur lah kita kerana berjumpa dengan bulan yang penuh dengan kemuliaan dan barakah ini.Jadikan lah bulan Tarbiah diri tahun ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya.InsyaAllah.
Tadi ramai glerrr orang teraweh kat masjid.Fenomena biasa di awal Ramdhan.Bulan ni ramai orang berjimat dan berpusu2 ke masjid.Fenomena biasa lagi.Harap2nya berkekalan lahh yer.
"Ya Allah,engkau bimbinglah hambaMu ini ke jalan yang engkau redhai.Kau didiklah aku di bulan penuh barakah ini.Syukur Ya Allah,engkau Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Pengasih kerana menghidupkan aku hingga ke saat ini.".
Puasa puasa jugak,jangan lupa niatnya-Petik dari status gtalk orang.he3.
p/s:Sorry da lama glerr xupdate.
Posted by orang minyak 6 comment(s)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Key to success:Lesson Number One
Have you ever think of something that you consider it as a success?Something that you desire about?
Well,good if you did.
The first lesson to achieve something is to have dreams.Objectives.It's sad to hear when people say he or she never ever had a dream.
How would you score if there's no goal?And,how would you reach your destination,if you don't know the direction?
There's power of dream.When you keep on thinking of something,the consciouss part of the brain will work.And,as long as it's repeated for some times,eventually,it will be stored under the subconsciouss mind.
Do we ever realize that every day,we have subconsciouss objectives such as brushing your teeth, go to work,eating?How can this happen?It is because,we do it daily.
Some say,the mind-over-body-thingy is nothing but ridiculous.But,everything that drives you to work is your mind.That way,any obstacles we confront is nothing.
Trust Your Heart and Believe in Yourself, Go For It and never Give up.
Fail.And Fail Again.Fail better.You are what you think.
Think Simple.BE SIMPLE.
P/s:Listen with your heart.Think with Your Mind.Act With your Body.
Posted by orang minyak 4 comment(s)
Monday, July 20, 2009
The New Semester
The New semester has begun.
Hopefully,this sem will be better than before.
Eventhough, the "spirit" is not here yet,but,i'm goanna give my best.
"O Allah,please lead and guide me througout this semester.I give myself to You.So, if ever i'm astray,do pull me to the right path quickly."
p/s:Wish me luck and pray for me,k,guys?
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: semester
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Day of the Red
Tonight,Manchester United Vs Malaysia at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil.
Many people betray Malaysia!!!LOL.If a question is asked,who will win, the fans will support Man U for sure.
I was surprised to see the "spirit" shown by the fans.It was like a red wave of people coming out from the LRT station.
This photo was taken at 3:40PM,LRT Putra Masjid Jamek
p/s:Im not MU fan.I don't really know why i want to write this post.
p/p/s:Sape sokong Malaysia??:P
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Labels: football, Man United
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Last two days, i met Balqis who just came back from Indonesia for her semester break. The three of us,Balqis,Saoxy and me met at Mid Valley.
We chat a lot and eat a lot too.XD. Carl's Jr, McD, Tako Tao and also Jusco wedges.LOL.
I don't want to detail the meeting.
What hit me was when;
Balqis:Haikal,lepas ni ko kene delete post ko yang dulu.
Haikal:Apsal pulak?Post yang mane?
Balqis:Alaa,yang pasal group2 ko jumpe kat UTP tu.Lepas ni ko masuk group kapel kan?
Haikal:Ha3.Takde la.Aku bese2 je kot.
Balqis:Alaa,dulu ko kutuk diorang.Ko cakap diorang asyik2 same2 jer kan?Aku nak tengok ko lepas ni.
And also, when:
Haikal: Ko ni asal asyik balik lambat jer?Kan boleh main basket petang2.
My brother: Alaa,aku kan macam apa yang ko tulis dalam blog tu.Pegi keje pagi2 and balik malam.Kerja la katekan.
I always criticize people and forgot to look back into myself.I talk but i didn't do.
Sometimes, we feel that we are the best and proud of it. But remember, we don't stay at the top forever,sooner or later,we will fall down too.
Better not talk a lot,as it will hit me back in future.~~
p/s:This is the time to reflect myself.(Muhasabah diri).What about you?
p/p/s:The dialogue are not exactly spoken by them.But the content is maintain.Sorry guys for using your name first without telling you first.
Posted by orang minyak 17 comment(s)
Labels: me, self relflection
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Kuching trip(26-28/6/2009)
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful
Peace upon you readers...
Da lame actually nak tulis pasal trip aritu.Tapi,sangat2 malas dirini.Ni pon sbb da kuatkn dri gak tok post.
Jumaat 26/6/2009:
Pagi itu sungguh semangat bangun pagi.Ye laa,biasenye,pas subuh tido balik.Ni,nak xnak,kene gak bangun awal,sbb t tertinggl flight. Pagi tu,salam2 dlu ngn abah n abang,sebab diorg g keje awal pagi.Yang peliknya,pagi tu gak gi bersenam,mmndgkan da lame xbrsenam n berat da naek!ha3
Pkul 9lbey da brtolak da.Mak anta g stesen putra Tmn Bahagia je.pastu,g naek tren ingga KL Sentral n after that, g naek bas ke LCCT.Mission dari rumah,nak kene snap sbnyk gmbr yg boleh,so,da beli bateri bnyak pagi tuu.
Our flight pkul 1255.Tp da check in kol 11.patu,dok jela mnggu.bosan gak ehh.ha3.sib bek ad teman msg2.Gitaw fiqie yang estimated arrival time kol 240.Dalam flight,sgt xbez.sbb dok hujong dari tingkap,so,xdpt view prmndgn indah ciptaanNya.(Da la 1st time naek flight..nak gak jakun2:P)
Smpai je di Kuching International Airport,g smayang jama dlu.Boleh lak ktorg sesat kat situ.LOL.Setelah jmpe jalan yang lurus,jumpe la fiqie and kawannya,nisa.Mereka ni brtanggungjawab tok mmbawa kami jalan2 di tmpat yang best.pikir punya pikir,yang penting,makan dulu!sebab mknn kat airport mahal,so,ktorang trpksa la mnahan lapa.
Makan la kat Tun Jugah.Makanan yang ku cari adalah Mee Kolok sebab da lame mngidam.Dengar cite cam best.Kakakku makan laksa sarawak.Die cakap rase macam mee kari.Pas makan2,ktorang berempat pon pegi laa ke waterfront,nak gi beach cam da lambat,sebab pukul 5 daa time tu.saje jalan2 tgk permandangan di situ.Fiqie cakap,waktu malam baru best,cantik.
Jalan punya la jalan,smpai la kol 8,pastu decide nk pg umah pak ngah.Dat time,kol 640 da cm maghrb kt KL.So,malam tu brakhir la kisah pada ari jumaat.
Sabtu 27/6/2009:
Pagi tu bangun awal sebab semangat nak pergi jalan2!ha3.Cadangnya,nak tengok orang utan je("yey~~").
Perjalanan bermula...1st2 gi umah mak ngah,sebab nak amik niece2 mak ngah,laila(leyla) n aida.Dalam keta sangat senyap.hu3.yelaa,xkenal kan.da la diorg cakap bhsa swak,sik paham!
Mula2 tu,pergi la kt tmpt orang utan tu,tp xbukak lg pagi tu.So,bertolak la ke borneo height plak.Da la lame nak smpai situ,tengok2 tmpat tu klo nak masuk kene book n bayar.da la sorang nak dekat ahh!
So,kami sume ke Spring,makan la tengah ari dlu.Bole tahan gak Spring nh,cm mall2 kat KL ar.ha3.Ktorang makan la kt foodbazaar.Mnarek tmpat ni!Murah n bnyk plihan.Ak ngn kakakku decide nak makan beef noodle.tengok kt gambar cam sedap jer.ha3.Sampai2 je kt meja,pak ngah cakap,mende ak order tu mee kolok! la akibat mngidam sangat.Pas makan tu,sesi brgmbar la.Saje amik gmbar banyak2..bkn snang nk dtg lagi.
Pas setel,kami pon ke tempat orang utan itu kembali,kat Semenggok.Sib bek,da bukak.Nak cite ape ek?yang penting kat situ ad orang utan!ha3..banyk gk ar amik gmbr.
Kemudian,petang tu ke pantai.Saje je tengok2 keindahan pantai di Sarawak.Asal la xcakap awal2 nak gi sini,klo x,da ley bawak baju extra,brmandi manda.ha3.
Mula2,cam xtaw ar nak watpe klo xmandi.So,nak xnak,enjoykan la diri ni jugak!Men la sand castle,men2 air ngn anak2 sdare,men pasir n paling best amik2 gambar.ha3.
Pas balik beach tu,balik ke umah smula.mandi2,rehat2 n smayang.Pastu grak kembali ke bandar untuk makan malam.Malam tu,gi order mee sapi,mmndangkan mee tu name plik.Malangnya,itu adela mee kolok juga.Waaaa.Malam tu msg si fiqie untuk menjalankan operasi penculikan.ha3.Ye ar,kejap je kot jumpa2 petang tu.So,malam tu,fiqie bawak la pg DUN tu..tapi malangnya gelap gelita.Amik2 la gambar kat sekitar astana.Kemudian,kami ke waterfront,sbb da xde tmpat yang seswai nak gi.Boleh tahan ramai org gi stu malam2.Malam tu,jalan2 jugak n amik gambar.
Ahad 28/6/2009:
Pagi tu bangun awl lagi sbb nk gi cari souvenir utk family dan rakan2.Around 10 lbey baru brtolak,nak kejar flight kol 1255.Cari2 souvenir da dkat sjam.Around 11 baru setel.N then,ingtkn pak ngah nk trus anta g airport,upnye g makan dlu.diorang takut lapa dalam flight.dat time da cuak,kot2 trlpas flight.Sib bek la sempat smpai,2 pon counter da nk tutup.Lagi satu,before balik tu,fiqie ade datang skali airport,kasi adiah bday.Balik tu,agak best sbb dapat dok tepi tingkap.So dapat tengok ar pmandangan mse take off.he3.
Sampai umah petang tu dalam 5lebeh ar.
p/s:View more photos at my facebook.
p/p/s:Adiah bday plg best!:P
p/p/p/s:Cuti nex sem nak g langkawi,sape nak ikot??:P
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Train,People and Life
In the name of Allah,the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful
What do you always do on train?
Normally,i love to listen to music and read book.But i also like to watch people.Don't get me wrong.What i mean is,i like to analyze them.(Even though, it is just my perceptions, but i like my brain to start thinking).
I always wonder,what kind of people are in this train ?What do they think in their head?
Some wear smart attire.Some in school uniform.Some in simple attire.
Some look sad.Some happily laugh with their children.Some sleep.Some just like to watch others.
I judge them by their appearances and look.(Not a good thing right?Just for fun only, as if i'm a detective-Detective Conan influence.LOL)
I don't know why i like to,but this is what i do on train.
We can learn a lot by looking at people.
deep inside in my heart,i always wish,i don't want to be like them.
- I'm sad to watch people who always have to wake up every morning and go back home at the evening because in their mind "if i don't work,what will i feed my family".
- Burden of work loads at office.Sometimes they work OverTime,but what they get is what the boss able to give.
- In train,after office hour,it will be filled with lots of people.People have to be fast to get into the train earlier.I can see some stress when this happen.
- I always imagine,what will be the another story when they're at their home.With children,wife,bills etc2.
- Divorced
- Suicide
- Child abuse
- Murder
"Craziness is what you always do repeatedly and hoping for another result to happen".-I don't remember who say this.

What is the answer to all this?
Always remember,our final destination is,to meet Allah.Do as many good things in here while you still alive.
"Allah menjanjikan kepada orang-orang mukmin, lelaki dan perempuan, (akan mendapat) surga yang dibawahnya mengalir sungai-sungai, kekal mereka di dalamnya, dan (mendapat) tempat-tempat yang bagus di surga 'Adn. Dan keridhaan Allah adalah lebih besar; itu adalah keberuntungan yang besar. "[At-Taubah,9:72]
Marditillah should be our biggest target in here(World).
Life without Allah's blessing is meanigless.Start do things for the sake of Allah.
P/s:Islam never forbid human to be rich.Islam forbid people to be greed and wasting money for unnecessary things.
Posted by orang minyak 9 comment(s)
Labels: leisure time, life, people, train
Friday, May 8, 2009
It's time now...
Assalamualaikum dear readers...
Da lame kan tak update?
Biasa la,minggu2 pengakhiran sem,memang ar belambak ngan kerja2 yang bertimbun. From assignments to tests to study week to final examination to Martial Art Fest to home sweet home.
Hurm,semester ni banyak gak ar benda berlaku.Nak make it this post short,so next time I will share with you guys what happen 4 da whole semester.
Kepada rakan2 seperjuanganku Semua...Selamat Menghadapi Minggu Peperiksaan.Hu3.
Best of Luck to you guys.
Study And Score!!---[Motto MPPUTP sempena study n exam week nih]
Surah al-Baqarah2:286
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya. (Mereka berdoa): "Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tak sanggup kami memikulnya. Beri ma'aflah kami; ampunilah kami; dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami, maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir." "
Posted by orang minyak 5 comment(s)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What does life mean to you?
To me, life is full of challenges and the journey in painting our life with colors is meaningful. Some people just be like an ostrich. They hide from problems and fool enough for not realizing their body can be seen by others.
Do you enjoy your life?
People do not feel happy when they don't like what they do. For instance, people who wake up in the morning and go to work, then after a busy day, they are tired enough to spend time with the love ones. They live everyday just to pay bills and debt. Car, house, bills, foods, self-rewards, family are always in their mind. Don't you feel sad to be like this? You live just to settle your debt and contribute nothing to others.
We live for the future...
Don't regret one day in the future,just because you didn't act now. Start acting and you are a step ahead of changing yourself.
Simple word, yet hard to do.
p/s: Just simply to post.But still have deep meaning
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
ESQ: Tahu dan Kenal.Cinta itu telah ku temui.
Antara cakap2 orang mengenai program ni yang didengar adalah:
- Kalau ade orang cakap macam baru masuk Islam-saya setuju!
- Kalau ade orang cakap selama ini dia hanya melakukan sesuatu sebagai seorang Muslim sahaja(sembahyang, puasa, bace Quran,etc2) tanpa megenal mengapa dia melakukannya. Sekarang dia sudah tahu tujuannya-Saya setuju!!
Kalau sebelum ni, kewujudan Allah itu sudah tertanam di bahagian IQ, iaitu kite telah ingat dan hafal bahawa Allah itu ada.Tapi, manusia mudah lupa. Oleh kerana itu, banyak sekali perbuatan kite selalunya tidak bermatlamatkan mencari Redha Allah.
Modul dalam training tu membuatkan saya dapat merasai kehadiran Allah itu sendiri, di dalam hati ni. Sangat2 berbeza kalau kita tahu dan kita merasai kewujudan Allah itu.
Kita ni memang bodoh. Allah itu Maha Pemurah dan Maha Penyayang. Manusia jenis apakah kita yang tidak reti erti berterima kasih. Setiap hari kita dihidupkan, tapi kita tak pernah sedikit pon memberi waktu kita pada Allah.Bak kata trainer, DIA sentiasa menunggu kita untuk mendekatiNya dan bertaubat. Maha suci Allah atas cintaNya yang Maha Agung.
Semuanya yang berlaku adalah atas ketentuanNya. Kita hanyalah habuk, malahan boleh jadi lebih kecil daripada itu di pandangan Raja Langit ini. Kembalilah kepada fitrahmu wahai rakan2ku. Allah masih menunggu kita untuk mendekatiNya.Ambillah peluang kehidupan ini sementara kita masih hidup lagi. Adakah kita ingin mati dalam keadaan kufur?Astaghfirullah...
Kalau kawan saya cakap "Padan muka ko, 300 ringgit hilang dah".
Nak je cakap kat dia "300 ringgit tu apelah sangat kalau kita dapat mengenal ALLAH.Itu adalah nikmat yang lebih besar. InsyaAllah, 300ringgit tu akan jadi pelaburan untuk masa akhirat."
Bak kata PM ESQUTP, "It's the best 300 ringgit you have spend for the rest of your life".-No regret.
Semoga dapat dijaga hati ini.
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
UTP Students and Scholarship
It's a norm to see people(students) lining up at bank by the end of the month. As usual, they will check their account balance since internet connection is so low that they can't check it online. And, as usual, when the money is not there, many assumptions will be made. For example:
- Students who did not attend Education Sponsorship Unit(ESU) session will be hold their scholarship until further notice. Some say until the next month.
- PETRONAS will increase the amount of scholarship to some number.Some say RM700,Some say RM1000.
- PETRONAS has to hold the scholarship since economic downturn is not okay yet.
But, whatever it is, if we can manage our money properly, it would not be a trouble for us if the scholarship comes early or not. This semester, i'm lucky since my roommate bring cooking appliances to UTP. So, technically, i spend for about RM100 for the cooking materials and RM100 for eating when I got no time to cook. I manage to save RM100 from the previous semester on eating only.
p/s: Don't you feel sad to see your friend's status on gtalk or ym "bile scholar nak masuk nih??"?. Do we always depend on something to feed ourselves?
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: scholarship, students, utp
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Student2 di UTP
Hurm..sekadar nak berkongsi la.
Selama2 aku dok UTP ni,mcm2 jenis org ak jmpe,antaranya:-
- Dak giler study.Xdela smpai tahap giler,tp mrk ni study mmg gempaq.Mereka2 ini dok satu rumah dan aktiviti2 mrk kebanyaknnya akan brsama2 mrk je.G ipoh sme2,makan sme2, study sme2 dsbnya.
- Dak yg giler hiburan.Mrk2 ini berbahaya gk sbnarnya.Klo xmen game,tgk muvi.Klo xmuvie,game.Haaa..memang gamers sejati la mrk ini.Ada yang smpai xkuar blik.Klo makan pon,tapau bawak balik bilik.
- Dak2 kaki events.Mrk2 ini bahaya gak sebenarnya.Mrka ingin seboleh2nya join segala dan mengetuai event itu.Kalo bab2 event ni,dah pakar la.Yang susahnya,ble da balik bilik,mesti penat and then tido.
- Dak2 couple.Yang ni bahaya gak.24 jam berkepit je.Cmne lah mrk2 ni leh handle couple sedangkn assignment kt UTP ni usah cite la,mmg blambak.Sebole2nye suma nk brsama.Makan sesama,men sesame study pon sesame.Tp,leh ke masuk ilmu 2 ble study sme2?
- Dak2 dakwah.Mrk ni xdela bahaya.Cumanya,klo da dakwah tu,mrk mnolak skeras2nya benda lain kt UTP.Study dan dakwah hanya matlamat mrk.Mrk akan wat aktiviti2 bersma mereka.Weekdays hanya utk study dan weekends adalah hanya utk kerja dakwah.Klo la kena assignment yg besar,camne la nak wat.
- Dak2 yang memencilkan diri mereka dari masyarakat.Mrk2 ini akan aim utk dok kt v1 or v2 sbb kt situ ade single room.Xpaham tol,apsl la diorg nk sgt dok sorang2.Pnah gk ada sorg kwn ak,trlpas test sbb xde spe kejut die tido.Sian gak ade gk.hurmmm..
- Dak2 badan masjid.Mrk ini sebole2nye nk nmpk exclusive. Mrk ini kalo korang tgk,msti leh knal pnye.Sbbnya, diorang ad jaket tersndri dan trpamerla logo mrk.Kalo pasan kat notice2 board,msti ad carta organisasi mrk.Xleh kalah ngn student bodies yg len.
Klo korang tanya ak ni kt bahagian group mana,i don't belong to any group.Yang pastinya,ak ni sebole2nye ingin mluaskan lagi circle pergaulan aku.Bole pg mane2 antra mrk n leh brgaul ngn dorang.Sbbnya,kkdang tu,ada yang sampai xnk brgaul ngn group yg len sbbnya xspndapat.
Luaskan la circle korang,baru la korang leh tau kawan2 korang tu cane. Yang korang rasa buruk tu,jadikanlah sempadan.Yang baik2 tu jadikanlah teladan.
p/s:Rasa2nya,ramai lagi kot yang cm aku.
p/p/s:Ak x kutuk mane2 ek.Kn da highlight kat atas,sekadar berkongsi.
Posted by orang minyak 7 comment(s)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
How to become a hero
I attended Oil and Gas Symposium last week and a talk by Shell chairman of Malaysia yesterday. I would say, now i got broader view of the industry.
To those petroleum engineers, don't be afraid of not getting any jobs. We still have oil underground there, but those are hard-to-get. Nowadays, there are less matured well and there's no new findings. There's deep oil, stored under ice, unconventional oil etc.
All our ancestors had took it all and left the hardest part to us. We need new technologies in order to meet people's demand in this oil and gas. It is expected that demand for hydrocarbons will be double in 2050. With less oil nowadays,how to reach that target?
Renewable energy such as wind,solar,nuclear,hydroelectric can't take the role of hydrocarbons. Now, they only contribute 2%(for nuclear) or less energy to the world.
People should never waste energy.(Now i know how important this is) Dato' Soh(Shell chairman of Malaysia) said that subsidies energy is not the good way to help the poor. The government should help with other method. It is because, subsidies energy will only cause people to use hydrocarbons as they wish to. People should learn how to appreciate this valuable things.
Since there is a campaign to save energy this 28th, let's show the world that Malaysian are united and concern about the worries of depleting energies. One hour of no energy will be very meaningful to the world.
(Any false information is due to my false.I write based from what i got from the symposium and the talk)
P/s: I think i started to like Petroleum Engineering.
P/p/s: Ada post camni, barula orang minyak kan!?
Posted by orang minyak 0 comment(s)
Labels: energy, heroes, hydrocarbons, saving
Thursday, March 19, 2009
There will be no end to everything....
If you think you have reached the end,well you are not.
- If you think you have failed, that's not the end. You got to make things right.
- If you think you have achieved the top position, that's no the end. Not everyday is Sunday.
- If you think you have freedom,that's not the end. You can't even fly.
- If you think you have achieved happiness in life,that's not the end. We are not in fairy tales.
- If you think everything is bad,that's not the end. It's always dark before dawn.
- If you think you are alone,that's not the end. HE is always there for you.
- If you think you have lost hope on everything, that's not the end. You are still breathing.
- If you think you hate someone,that's not the end. The bleed in your heart can't be bandaged.
- If you think you love someone,that's not the end. You can even love everyone.
- If you thin you are lucky,that's not the end. It just happen to be your time.
- If you think you are invisible,that's not the end. You still see yourself in the mirror.
- If you think there will be no end to everything,well you are wrong. Death is always at the doorstep.
[Continuing of the title]...but DEATH.
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
heavy rain=heavy weight?
Lately,there is always raining at evening at Tronoh.
Raining+busy weeks(last 2 weeks)=weight gain.
Hell yeah!I am now 1.8kg heavier than before. Haishhh..betta find ways to maintain my ideal weight body.(Based on BMI)
It's easy to gain weight but hard to lose it.(~.~)
Now many mosquitoes has breed due to rainy days. Not so convenient to study IMS at night
( Alasan).
p/s:My weight should be kept secret from public to know.
Posted by orang minyak 4 comment(s)
Labels: rainy days, weight gain
Monday, March 16, 2009
Listening Test
Lately, i fond to listen to Love Story by Taylor Swift.Blame Haris my housemate who plays the song repeatedly until i got infected by the song.LOL.Since my busy week had ended,i decided to do crazy things.
I wanted to test my listening test.So, i listened to the song carefully and try to write the lyrics.This was what i got.
LOVE STORY-written by what OrangMinyak heard.
We were both young when i first saw you,
i close my eyes and the flashback stars seem standing in there,
on the balcony on the summer(incomplete)
see the lights,see the potty the bargain,
see you make your way to the crowds and say hello,
little that i know,
That you were the romeo you were throwing in pebbles
any my daddy said stay away from the juliet,
and i was crying on the staircase begging you please don't go,
And i say, romeo take me somewhere we can be alone,
i'll be waiting all the we do is run,
you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess,
it's a love story,baby just say.. yes
So i sneak out to the garden to see you,
we came quite cause if daddy knew,so close your eyes
escape this town for a little while,
cause you were romeo,i was scared at later,
and my daddy say stay away form juliet,
cause you were everything to me and i was begging you please don't go,
And i say,romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
i'll be waiting all is left is do to run
you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess,
it's a love story,baby just say yes,
romeo said to me that charlotte tell me how to feel,
this love is difficult,but it is,
don't be afraid,we'll make it out of this
it's a love story,baby just say yes,
i got tired of waiting,whether you'll ever coming around
my faith in you was fading,when i met you in the to tell
and i say,romeo save me i've been feeling so alone,
i keep waiting for you, but you never come
this in the head i know what to think
he nails to the ground and ring in and say
romeo and juliet will never have to be alone,
i love you and that's all i really know
i talk to your dad hope we can get white dress
its a love story,baby just say yes..
oh oh 2x...
we were both young when i first saw you
(Red words indicate mistakes)
LOVE STORY-Real Version
We were both young, when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I’m standing there, on a balcony of summer air
I see the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
You say hello, little did I know…
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet”
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don’t go…
And I said…
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone
I’ll be waiting, all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess,
It’s a love story, baby, just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet, because we’re dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Oh, Ohhh
Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet”
But you were everything to me
I was begging you, please don’t go…
And I said
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone
I’ll be waiting, all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story, baby, just say yes
Romeo save me, they’re trying to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it’s real
Don’t be afraid, we’ll make it out of this mess
It’s a love story, baby, just say yes
Oh, Ohhh…
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said
Romeo save me, I’ve been feeling so alone
I keep waiting, for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don’t know what to think
He kneels to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
Marry me Juliet, you’ll never have to be alone
I love you, and that’s all I really know
I talked to your dad-you’ll pick the white dress
It’s a love story, baby just say…yes…
Oh, Ohhh… Oh, Oh, Ohhh…
We were both young when I first saw you.
(Taken from web)
This is one of the way to master the language.
Posted by orang minyak 4 comment(s)
Labels: listening test, love story
Sunday, March 15, 2009
It's finally over
Im at peace now(as for now).
Halalfest has ended.It was quite a success eventhough i might say, it's quite hectic in a way. This event is still new,so, no wonder if there's many problems occur.
One thing about my department is,it consist of 7 people where we need to manage the expo and the forum. Can you imagine,7 people need to do all the things such as logistics, Ceremony and protocol of the events, sponsorship for the expo, the welfare of the exhibitors, food and beverage for the VIPs, promotion and publication of the event and so much more.We were short of manpower.That's what the HICOM decide.
So,you might say the event was quite poorly conducted but i praise all my colleagues for their professionalism in handling this thing. I learn a lot from them in conducting event. Kudos to Umair, my head department who manage to overcome the problems.
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Manusia Yang Patut Kita Paling Sayang
Korang taw kan arini maulud nabi?
Arini mrupakn ari utk mngingati Rasulullah.Bukan nak kata yg hanya pada maulidulrasul je kite mngingati Nabi Muhammad SAW, cume lebih mngingati.
Muhammad bin Abdullah merupakan tokoh, idola yang paling perlu kite respek. Bayangkanlah, mcm mana masyarakat yang rosak dgn adanya mslh2 sosial spt mmbunuh anak prmpuan, minum arak, brjudi dsbnya boleh brjaya di bwah panji ISLAM yg dibawa oleh nabi ini.
Tak ke pelik org yg xtau mnulis dan brpnddkan pd awlnya boleh mngubah langsung msyrkt Arab??Kalo zmn skrg,org brilmu pon blom tntu bole nk ubah msyrkt.
Ssngghnya, brsyukur la kite krn brkat gigh dakwah Rasulullah wlaupun truk dihalangi olh msyrkt2 trdahulu, kite dpt mrasai nikmat ISLAM dan insyaAllah nikmat IMAN.
Kalo la dulu Rasulullah rilek2 je dlm brdkwah(suda djamin syurga), adkh agama trcinta ini akn trtegak di muka bumi ini?
Jika dlihat zmn skrg, prjuangan2nya lbih kpd kepartian atau kebangsaan shj.klo pikir2 smule,klo la hnya bangsa Arab yg dprjuangkn Rasulullah, xdenye Islam tu nk brkmbg.Ianya dprjuangkn atas satu dasar,iaitu dasar ketauhidan,akidah kpd Allah. Janganla kita menjadi spt Kamal Atartuk xpon Yaseer Arafat.
"Walaupun kamu membelanjakan semua (kekayaan) yang berada di bumi, niscaya kamu tidak dapat mempersatukan hati mereka, akan tetapi Allah telah mempersatukan hati mereka. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Gagah lagi Maha Bijaksana. "(Al-anfaal:83)
Smpena MauliduRasul ni,marila kita same2 mngingati keperitan yg dialami di dlm kehidupan Rasulullah.Apakah kite ni mulia sgt jika Rasulullah dlm saat2 kematiaanya pon ingat kt umat,sdgkn kita saat2 kehidupan ni pon lupa pd Rasulullah.
Melakukn sunnah2nya mrupkn slh stu cara bg kita mngingatinya.Jgn la dikejar sunnah yg ssh dlakukn spt poligami atau sunnah kcil spt mnympn jnggut.Kejarla snnah yg besar spt dlm brdkwah.
"Sesungguhnya telah ada pada (diri) Rasulullah itu suri teladan yang baik bagimu (yaitu) bagi orang yang mengharap (rahmat) Allah dan (kedatangan) hari kiamat dan dia banyak menyebut Allah. "(Al-Ahzab:21)
"Barangsiapa yang mentaati Rasul itu, sesungguhnya ia telah mentaati Allah. Dan barangsiapa yang berpaling (dari ketaatan itu), maka Kami tidak mengutusmu untuk menjadi pemelihara bagi mereka"(An-Nisaa:80)
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: iman, islam, Rasulullah, sunnah
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Popularity Test
Are you popular?
I was tired doing researches for my lab reports when i got this i- don't- know-what-am-i-doing idea.
I googled my name.
Only one appear, which on the tenth if i'm not mistaken. It was about Academic Writing examination seating.LOL.
I tried to search my brother's name.Wow! To my surprise there are pages related to him.~~
Then, i tried to type 'orang minyak'. Many describe bout the "evil guy who rapes women"(Nothing to do with me-I'm just petroleum guy).There are nothing bout me on the first three pages. Only about my friendster profile appears on the fourth page.
This site appeared number 4 when i typed "orang minyak blogspot".
LOL!!Try to google your name and look how popular you are.
p/s: I just read the interview bout my brother on malay mail. I dunno when it was posted??
p/p/s:Almost done with my reports.After this need to finish 15 chapters of ITPG.5 Chapters of Vector Calculus. 6 Questions on IMSE Assignment.Haishhh~~
p/p/p/s:Got new printer!Now, i can print those rocky photos.
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Labels: google, lab reports, popularity
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Bee Zee
I'm out of hands this week!So much things to do:
- Vector Calculus Test on the 13th of March.
- ITPG Test on the 12th of March.
- Lab Test on the 12th of March(Evening).
- 4 ITPG Lab Reports.
- 1 RRFP Lab Report.
- 1 IMSE Assignment.
- 1 RRFP Group Assignment
- 1 ITPG Quiz
- Halalfest
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Indahnya Cinta
Salam pertemuan semua.
Jangan lak terkejut or tersalah anggap mengenai tajuk tu.Jangan risau,belum masanya nak bernikah.LOL. Tajuk kat atas tu merupakan tajuk buku.Saje je nak bedah buku karya Dr. 'Aidh Abdullah Al-Qarni. Antara bestseller beliau adelah buku La Tahzan(Jangan bersedih).
Saje je nak berkongsi ngan antum semua mengenai petunjuk Nabi s.a.w dalam beramar ma'aruf nahi mungkar di bawah chapter 16 buku nih.
- Petunjuk petama baginda adalah menyeru kepada akidah terlebih dahulu.
Orang yang sefikrah dengan kita akan senang memahami objektif dakawah yang ingin disampaikan.
- Petunjuk kedua adalah memulakan dakwah kepada kerabat sendiri terlebih dahulu.
- petunjuk yang ketiga adalah bersikap lembut dan lunak.
"Maka disebabkan rahmat dari Allah-lah kamu berlaku lemah lembut terhadap mereka. Sekiranya kamu bersikap keras lagi berhati kasar, tentulah mereka menjauhkan diri dari sekelilingmu. "(3:159)
Rasanya,semua orang setuju kot kalau menggunakan kaedah lembut dalam menarik orang beramar ma'aruf dan nahi mungkar. Sekeras2 hati manusia, kalau sentuhan Tarbiah itu kena pada masa dan tempatnya, nescaya akan cairlah batu tu.Sebabnya,fitrah manusia sememangnya kepada kebaikan.Cuba la tnya smua org,spe yg nk msk neraka atas kejahatannya?msti takde pnye.
Kita bayangkan la ada dua buah pokok.Satu pokok yang keras lagi tegap lagi tinggi.Satu lagi pokok buluh yang kecik. Kalau la kedua2 ditiup angin yang sangat kencang,yang mana akan mudah hancur? Semestinya pokok besar sbbnya ia mnggunakan kkerasan badannya menahan angin kencang itu,dan akhrnya,tumbang ke bumi.Manakala, pokok buluh yang kecik tu mempunyai sifat kelunturan badannya untuk menyesuaikan dirinya dengan tiupan angin. Ia tidak akan tumbang sepertimana pokok yang besar itu tadi.
Apa yang nak dikaitkan adalah,kalaula kita berdakwah dengan kekerasan,hati mad'u akan mudah rebah.Kalaulah kita berdakwah dengan kelembutan, insyaAllah hati mad'u akan berpusing2 ibarat pokok buluh.
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Labels: bedah buku, cinta
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
|| K E T A H U A N||
a. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
b. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
d. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
e. Put this on your blog.
1. If someone says, "Is this okay?"
Jonas Brother-When you Look me In the eyes
2. How would you describe yourself?
Stacy-Aku Stacy
(LOL...i'm a girl now)
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
The Corrs-Only when i sleep
(How could i like a girl when i sleep??Haih...)
4. How do you feel today?
Yovie&Nuno-Menjaga Hati
(Try to be patient at all time,i guess)
5. What is your life's purpose?
Malaysian Artists-Here in My Home
(To serve the country after Allah and the Prophet?)
6. What is your motto?
Jennifer Lopez-Let's Get Loud
( You can be heard!!)
7. What do your friends think of you?
Anita Sarawak-Ular
(LOL-do i have the tongue of the snake?I don't tell lies)
8. What do you think of your parents?
Sara Bareiles-Love Song
(Yeah...I love them so much)
9. What do you think about very often?
Cover girls-Wishing on a star
(I'm very wishful)
10. What is 2+2?
(What kind of question is this??)
11. What do you think of your best friends?
( Guys!!You are my angels of my life.)
12. What do you think of the person you like?
Rihanna-Take a Bow
13. What is your life?
Whitney Houston&Enrique-Could i have this kiss forever
( Waaah...what kiss?)
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Vitamin C-Graduation
( Wanna graduate as a petroleum engineer)
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Kenny G-Careless Whisper
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Amy Mastura&Glenn-Dengarkanlah
( So romantic to dance this song)
17. What will they play at your funeral?
Avril Lavigne-The Best Damn Thing
( Waaaa...How could people be so cruel to play this song!)
18. What is your hobby/interest?
Paula Deada-Easy Ft Bow Wow
(My hobby is to do easy things.LOL)
19. What is your biggest fear?
Mawi-Cinta Zulaikha
( I should stay away from this Zulaikha i thing..or perhaps Mawi)
20. What is your biggest secret?
Nelly Furtado Ft Timberland-Say it right
(I can't say it right bout my secrets)
21. What do you think of your friends?
Mariah Carey-My all
(my friends are my all-Yeah!!)
22. What will you post this as?
To all people who read this..You just have been tagged.
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
AGS 1269
I have a new ride.It's my first.
It's an automatic transmission motorcycle with 115CC.The name is Ego(Yamaha).Red coloured.It cost around 5.
Actually,i don't know how to elaborate it cause i don't quite know bout bike.LOL.
Well,pictures can better describe it.
Posted by orang minyak 7 comment(s)
Friday, January 30, 2009
I'm in a situation which i myself can't tell what is it.
If i follow my heart,i might feel happy about it.
But i know,if i think with my mind, it's not a wise decision to do.
Between heart and mind...which should i go for?
p/s:someone said to me,what your heart tells can sometimes be what the Devil whispers to you.
Posted by orang minyak 6 comment(s)
Friday, January 16, 2009
So Much Fun and I'm Goin to Miss this Sem Break
Hurm..let's see,what have i done this semester break.
- Angels Online
Most of the time,i play this game.Nice game.MMORPG.Like Ragnarok.Cute characters.I'm swordsman+life.Now level 52.In Heaven league.MY server.Oh yeah..i have another 3characters too.

- Basketball(wanna enter YOUTH '09 30n3 basketball challenge but short of players)
- Bowling
- James Bond:Quantum of Solace(with iman)
- Transporter3(with abah n iman)
- Body of Lies(with abah n iman)
- Twilight(with Akhmal)
- Los dan Faun(with Abah,emak,iman,intan and irine)
- Bolt(with Izwann and Luqman)
- Chihuahua(with Michelle)
- Quarantine(with PS-ian:akram,saoxy,faris,afee,fariq)
- 4 christmases(with Intan and Irine)
- Bedtime stories(with PS-ian:Nodi,saoxy,nik,amira,pjat)
- Ip-Man(with Akhmal)
- Evolusi KL Drift(Download)
- Trailer Park Of Terror(Download)
- Sutun2(Download)
- Zodiac(Download)
- Camp Rock(Download)
- How to Lose Friends and Alienate People(Download)
- Wet Dreams(Download)
- Hot for teacher(Download)
- The Ruins(Download)
- Sniper 2(Download)
- Let's Go to Prison(Download)
- I'm Not Single(Download)
- and many more...
- Heroes Season 3
- Prison Break Season 4
- Snow Queen(Kim Bo Ra very cute!!)
- Hana Yori Dongo
- Hello!Miss(not complete)
- Gossip Girls(not complete)
- Tuesdays with Morrie
- Five People you meet in Heaven
- Men From Mars and Women From Venus
- It's not How Good You are,It's How good you want to be.
- Ayat-ayat Cinta
- The World is Flat(Not complete)
- Mid Valley
- Time Square
- One Utama
- Low Yat
- Sunway Pyramid
- The Garden
- Digital Mall
- Giant Kelana Jaya
- Egyptian Embassy
- USM-Karate Tournament
- Seremban(Get Mak Zai's Police Report)
- UTP(stay at akh Isyar and akh Wafi Room)
- Klang(Tok Pah's house-celebrate Firdaus' birthday)
- Uitm Shah Alam(and Intan's house)
- Masjid Negara(Halaqah)
- Sg.Ara(Motobike license)
- Pasar Seni(Lured by Intan to buy phone.GRRR)
- Berjaya Sempo(opposite Time Square:to fix earphone)
Some outdoor activities i went to.
- Shito Ryu Karate Tournament 2008.
- Demonstration for Palestinian people.
I met them during my break.Goin to miss them.And ice-skating too.Thanks for the trip Pak May.
- Tok Jemah(sayang atok)
- Mak Zai and family(Ameerul and Nurina)
- Pak May and family(Mak Cik Idah,humaira,najiha,zulaikha,safi,adam)
- Mak Chu and family(Pak Cik Bahar,Athirah,fiqri,shamim)
There are many celebrations during the semester break
- Hari Raya Aidiladha
- Awal Muharram.
- X'mas
- New year
- 10Muharram(Hari Asyura)
- Bukit Antarabangsa landslides
- Flooding in the east Malaysia
- War on Gaza(God damn you Israel)
- Mumbai attack
- Economy crisis
Posted by orang minyak 5 comment(s)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Save Palestine!!!
It was my first time.
We all gathered at masjid as-syakirin KLCC after friday prayer. There were so many of them, men and women ready with banners. I was told that supposedly, we all will be walking to the US embassy but it was last minute change of plan.We all walked to the Egyptian embassy.
I'm grateful to see many people come down to show how angry we are towards war on gaza.
It was 3km walk from KLCC to the Egyptian embassy.It was tiring but worthy because this is the only way i can show my hatred towards Israel.
We plead for Egypt to open its border so that humantarian aids can get into Gaza.
Actually, i was a bit scared for the first time. Because, in TV we all hear that demonstration is like a wrong thing to do.But, it was for the sake of our brothers and sisters in Gaza.So,no worries.
There were police and FRU during the demonstration to ensure public safety.No terrible things happen. It was okay, even when we burned the Israel flag.
In front of Egyptian embassy
What i can do is just pray for them, join any demonstration for Palestinian and to boycott Israel's products.It's very difficult to do,but we can not let US invest their profits to kill our brothers and sisters in Gaza.
Posted by orang minyak 3 comment(s)
Labels: Demonstration
Thursday, January 8, 2009
TAGged by Intan Maisarah
5 ciri wanita/lelaki idaman anda :
- Pastilah wanita yang solehah.Jaga auratnya, solatnya, akhlaknya, dsbnya.
- Fizikalnya-tinggi(xleh lbeh tnggi dr ak!), cantik, cerah kulitnya, comel, tak besar dan tak kurus sangat.
- Pandai menjaga hati dan tak suka gedik+manja.
- Wanita yang pandai masak!
- Peramah dan baik hati
- Wanita yang perasan lawa dengan memakai pakaian yang tak cukup kain.
- Penipu,pembohong dsbnya.
- Wanita yang suka berlagak, gedik2,manja2.
- Wanita yang gilakan harta.
- Wanita yang tak pandai urus diri
- Cuak kowt,takut tak tahu nak cakap apa.
- Gembira dapat kuar ngan orang diminati.
- Resah sebab tak tahu camna nak gembirakan orang itu.
- Bangga dapat kuar ngan orang yang diminati.
- Tak keruan
- :Menunaikan Haji dan umrah bersama. Tak lupa menziarahi makam nabi.
- Gi melawat 7 world wonders.
- Gi ke kutub utara dan selatan.
- Tokyo dan Korea.
- Europe
- Sebuah rumah(Selepas kahwin ar).
- Jam tangan couple set.wakakaka.
- Set Pefume wanita yang disukai.
- Handphone
- Alat-alat muzik yang dia reti main supaya leh diperdengarkan.
Sila tag rakan rakan anda
p/s:Sungguh merapu post ini.Idaman semata2.Xmungkin perfect kan manusia ini.
p/p/s:Memulakan tahun 2009 dengan post yang pelik.
Posted by orang minyak 0 comment(s)
Labels: tag