Monday, October 5, 2009

How to tell others the way we want without they misunderstood us?

Well, the title speaks for itself.

I have difficulty in telling others what i want from them without them feel hurt.Sometimes, people say better not telling the truth because we don't want them to feel sad.Sometimes, people say just tell the truth and explain why we want it; but it might lead to conflict.

*Sigh*I really hope others are like me, which i would not feel hurt by my own words.But people are different.Face it.

Any ideas how to tell others without hurting them?

5 comment(s):

intan.maisarah said...

jadilah seorang yang jujur

orang minyak said...

nanti dorg slah faham n pk bkn2 ngn kte mcm mana?

eyman hykal said...

Ada dua cara:
1. Bantai habis-habisan. Gaduh besar-besaran tahap layar lebar! Pertengkaran begitu akan mengukur stress/tension level kita dengannya.

2. Cakap cara masjid. kalau boleh lepas solat. bertemu dan berbincang ketika kedua2nya ada wuduk.
- nyatakan kita serius hendak menyatakan sesuatu.
- pinta dia tidak berkecil hati, marah dengan apa yang akan dinyatakan
- nyatakan mungkin kita sendiri mungkin silap dengan apa yang hendak disampaikan.
- bermula dengan bismillah.
- setelah habis, kalau dia lelaki atau muhrim, salam semut dengan dia

orang minyak said...

wowwww..hee.thx 4 d opinion.

Ni juz nak gtaw supaya org berkenaan xmerajuk jer.:P

Balqis Riza said...

takde org yg boleh ckp n sume org paham ape die cb smpaikan..
even kdg2 pon sorg ckgu membuatkan anak murid die tak paham..

humm..yg pntg ko ckp la ape ko rase tu rase auat tak, terpulang laa kt die