Saturday, December 18, 2010

1st day kerja

Everything has its first time.And biasanya first time ni la kita excited sangat2 because of something new kan.And kat miri ni, kitorang hanya ada 1 kereta untuk memuatkan 7orang penumpang untuk ke 2 tempat berlainan.So, apa kitorang buat adalah kuar awal dari rumah ke tempat kerja. Senior ada cakap jugak yang Miri ni boleh tahan jugak jammed die kalau pagi2 tu.So kitorang memang decide kuar awal pagi la.

1st day
Bangun seawal 430 pagi(bersamaan 530 di KL yee masa die).Bilik air ada 2,nak mandi 7orang.So agak lama la di situ nak siap2 sume.530 pagi sume da siap2 and kitorang buat 1st trip.Pegi 15min,balik 15min.1st trip tu untuk hantar 2 budak Shell, so the remaining in 2nd trip 5 orang la.So budak2 Petronas sampai ofis pukul 620(masuk keje pkul 730,bersamaan 830 kt KL la yee).So apa kitorang buat adalah jalan2 la dulu kat ofis tu,biasakan diri.Memang tak ramai orang la time tu.Yang ada pon polis bantuan yang dok dekat tempat receptionist.Then, kitorang decide pegi brekfes dulu.

Tepat pukul 730 kitorang da terpacak depat meja cik Zairunnisa(person in charge of new interns la).So that morning trus ada briefing about the company,amik details interns,and ada cite pasal cara pemakaian la.Around 10 macam tu setiap sorang dah kene assign pegi department masing2.Mostly setiap sorang department lain2.So time tu memang sorang2 la kat situ.

So the first person i was introduced to in the BPD-N(Production Department-Northern Cluster)  was Kak Rathnawaty who is the secretary of the department.Then, i was introduced to other trainees from other schools. May from Curtin Uni and Cathy from Poli-Kuching.Later that day, I met with my Supervisor(SV),Mr, Ravi Kanth who is the Senior Field Engineers.Basically,senior field engineers has  a lot of experiences about the field and he is an expert from India.I am lucky to have him as my SV, but he is always busy with works.No guidance from him.He just said,do your plan about what you want to achieve in here.How am I suppose to do if I don't know anything.So tu jelaa about the department.So to kill time sampai pukul 430(waktu abis keje) ade la kerja2 sampingan yang diberi iaitu menghias Board sempena pertandingan menghias board antara department.Haha.Dah la Art Skill memang xberbakat disuruhnya wat mende tu.Memang buat jela walaupon takda skill.

So that's basically about the first day.The routine daily work at the moment is to update Visual Management Board early in the morning before Video Conference started.Yang lain tu memang takda keje and baca Operation Manual(OPM),Process and Instrument Diagram(P&ID),Process Flow dan sebagainya. And now, tengah buat research on case study throughout the internship.Lucky for us in Sarawak, we have a field trip to onshore facilities(offshore xboleh sebab insurance mahal and kene attend intensive training).Next week boleh tengok how well intervention been done.Pastu yang best dekat sini boleh pergi Crude Oil Terminal(Yang bulat2 besar tu).

Owh about my case study,i'm looking forward to do about Electrical Submersible Pump(ESP).I'm shocked to know that Sarawak has the first ESP in Malaysia and the only field to have it.So, it might be an advantage to me :)

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