Tuesday, April 21, 2009


What does life mean to you?

To me, life is full of challenges and the journey in painting our life with colors is meaningful. Some people just be like an ostrich. They hide from problems and fool enough for not realizing their body can be seen by others.

Do you enjoy your life?
People do not feel happy when they don't like what they do. For instance, people who wake up in the morning and go to work, then after a busy day, they are tired enough to spend time with the love ones. They live everyday just to pay bills and debt. Car, house, bills, foods, self-rewards, family are always in their mind. Don't you feel sad to be like this? You live just to settle your debt and contribute nothing to others.

We live for the future...
Don't regret one day in the future,just because you didn't act now. Start acting and you are a step ahead of changing yourself.

Simple word, yet hard to do.

p/s: Just simply to post.But still have deep meaning

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ESQ: Tahu dan Kenal.Cinta itu telah ku temui.

Antara cakap2 orang mengenai program ni yang didengar adalah:

  • Kalau ade orang cakap macam baru masuk Islam-saya setuju!
  • Kalau ade orang cakap selama ini dia hanya melakukan sesuatu sebagai seorang Muslim sahaja(sembahyang, puasa, bace Quran,etc2) tanpa megenal mengapa dia melakukannya. Sekarang dia sudah tahu tujuannya-Saya setuju!!
ESQ banyak mengubah diri ini. Dari seseorang yang tidak bermatlamat jauh, kini sudah nampak ke mana hala tuju hidup sebanarnya. Kalau sebelum ni, seseorang yang tidak pernah bersyukur, kini dapat bangun dari tidur pon sudah gila2 bersyukur.

Kalau sebelum ni, kewujudan Allah itu sudah tertanam di bahagian IQ, iaitu kite telah ingat dan hafal bahawa Allah itu ada.Tapi, manusia mudah lupa. Oleh kerana itu, banyak sekali perbuatan kite selalunya tidak bermatlamatkan mencari Redha Allah.

Modul dalam training tu membuatkan saya dapat merasai kehadiran Allah itu sendiri, di dalam hati ni. Sangat2 berbeza kalau kita tahu dan kita merasai kewujudan Allah itu.

Kita ni memang bodoh. Allah itu Maha Pemurah dan Maha Penyayang. Manusia jenis apakah kita yang tidak reti erti berterima kasih. Setiap hari kita dihidupkan, tapi kita tak pernah sedikit pon memberi waktu kita pada Allah.Bak kata trainer, DIA sentiasa menunggu kita untuk mendekatiNya dan bertaubat. Maha suci Allah atas cintaNya yang Maha Agung.

Semuanya yang berlaku adalah atas ketentuanNya. Kita hanyalah habuk, malahan boleh jadi lebih kecil daripada itu di pandangan Raja Langit ini. Kembalilah kepada fitrahmu wahai rakan2ku. Allah masih menunggu kita untuk mendekatiNya.Ambillah peluang kehidupan ini sementara kita masih hidup lagi. Adakah kita ingin mati dalam keadaan kufur?Astaghfirullah...

Kalau kawan saya cakap "Padan muka ko, 300 ringgit hilang dah".
Nak je cakap kat dia "300 ringgit tu apelah sangat kalau kita dapat mengenal ALLAH.Itu adalah nikmat yang lebih besar. InsyaAllah, 300ringgit tu akan jadi pelaburan untuk masa akhirat."

Bak kata PM ESQUTP, "It's the best 300 ringgit you have spend for the rest of your life".-No regret.

Semoga dapat dijaga hati ini.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

UTP Students and Scholarship

It's a norm to see people(students) lining up at bank by the end of the month. As usual, they will check their account balance since internet connection is so low that they can't check it online. And, as usual, when the money is not there, many assumptions will be made. For example:

  1. Students who did not attend Education Sponsorship Unit(ESU) session will be hold their scholarship until further notice. Some say until the next month.
  2. PETRONAS will increase the amount of scholarship to some number.Some say RM700,Some say RM1000.
  3. PETRONAS has to hold the scholarship since economic downturn is not okay yet.
Sometimes, the money comes too early which students tend to spend more when they see big number of money inside their account. For example, by the end of semester, students will get scholarship for about 15days earlier than when it should be. In my case, i accidentally spent it on new hand phone.(Blame ESU..LOL).

But, whatever it is, if we can manage our money properly, it would not be a trouble for us if the scholarship comes early or not. This semester, i'm lucky since my roommate bring cooking appliances to UTP. So, technically, i spend for about RM100 for the cooking materials and RM100 for eating when I got no time to cook. I manage to save RM100 from the previous semester on eating only.

p/s: Don't you feel sad to see your friend's status on gtalk or ym "bile scholar nak masuk nih??"?. Do we always depend on something to feed ourselves?