Baru-baru ini kita dikejutkan sekali lagi dengan berita Palestin yang diserang hebat oleh Israel melalui serangan udaranya.Kemungkinan,tentera2 darat Israel akan menyerang masuk selepas serangan udaranya.
Apa yang dilakukan oleh Amerika yang kononnya merupakan polis dunia hanyalah melihat teman baiknya,Israel menyerang bumi Palestin.Apa yang meyedihkan lagi,mereka turut sokong tindakan Israel itu.Dengan menggunakan alasan,ini adalah serangan balas yang dilakukan oleh tentera2 Hamas.
Mungkin kita beranggapan bahawa Amerika akan mengubah dasar luar negaranya selepas Obama menaiki tahta presiden Januari ini.Ya,Obama mungkin tidak terikat dengan mana2 syarikat Yahudi di dalam kempen beliau,namun penasihat2 beliau kebanyakkannya adalah penyokong kuat Yahudi seperti Hillary Clinton.
Wahai teman2 sekalian, saudara2 kita di Palestin banyak terkorban dek serangan Israel,kita sama2 la doakan mereka syahid di jalanNya.Semoga roh-roh mereka itu diberkati Allah.
Apakah yang perlu kita lakukan untuk membantu saudara2 kita itu?Mungkin tidak ke medan perang,tapi kita perlulah memboikot barang2 syarikat Yahudi seperti Coca-Cola,Nestle,Sara Lee,Nokia dan sebagainya.Maklumat lanjut boleh didapati di sini.
Bersyukur la kita kerana kita masih lagi boleh hidup aman di bumi Malaysia ini.Tetapi perlu kita ingat,belum sampai lagi masa kita lagi.Mungkin Allah menguji kita dengan bencana2 alam sahaja seperti di Bukit Antarabangsa beberapa minggu lalu.Ingat,Allah masih ingin kita mengingatiNya dengan didatangkan bencana2 ini.
Semoga kita mengambil iktibar dari perkara2 ini.Diharapkan dapatlah kita sama2 mendoakan pejuang2 Palestin yang berjihad menentang tentera2 Israel.
'Perumpamaan orang-orang mukmin dalam kasih sayangnya bagaikan satu tubuh. Jika salah satu anggota tubuh merasa sakit, maka sekujur tubuh akan merasakan kurang tidur dan panas' [hadith riwayat Muttafaq alaih]
p/s:Selamat menyambut tahun baru maal hijrah
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Palestin diserang lagi
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Cognitive Dissonance
Do you know what is cognitive dissonance?
Based on wikipedia, cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously. The "ideas" and "cognitive" in question may include attitudes and beliefs, and also the awareness of one's behavior. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by changing their attitudes,beliefs, and behaviors or by justifying or rationalizing their attitudes,beliefs and behaviors.
Let's make this simple.
You are smart fresh graduate who has just completed study in Petroleum Engineering. You are assigned to determine which side will make more profit.There are site A and site B. Using your knowledge, you find out that site A has big potential than site B. However, the others who have worked longer in Petronas say that site B is better.
What will you do?Stick to your stand and convince Petronas to invest in site A?Or will you agree with the others that site B is better because they have more experience in this area?
Most people, would follow the others.
That is because, we don't want to be alone.
Situation 1
What if you manage to convince Petronas(site A),and then suddenly there's no oil at all. You will be blamed by your own self. If you with the others(site B), you are not alone if Petronas want to blame you.
That sounds very comfortable isn't it?
Situation 2
What happen if suddenly you and the others get fired for choosing site B?While, if you choose site A and it contains more oil- you will get promotion.
This situation happen many times in our daily life,right?
Cognitive dissonance is not good.If you know you are right, why would you follow others who are wrong?
We just want to be safe by being with others, right?
Let us take smoking as an example.We know that smoking is unhealthy.But why many still smoke?They want to follow the others who smoke.They are stick to the culture that smoking will make you look so cool.
Women expose their hair just to look beautiful.That is what they believe in television.
Throw those stupid ideas. Be yourself.Live well my friends!
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Labels: cognitive dissonance
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Review:Tuesdays with Morrie
This is my first post in December.After not knowing what to write,i guess,better brief you guys about a book that i have just read.
Title:Tuesdays with Morrie:an old man,a young man and life's greatest lesson
Written:Mitch Albom
This book is really great.You will not stop once you started it.(i stopped somehow~my brain can't read the whole book at a time)
It is about a dying old man(the author old professor) who sees death in a positive way.
- If you have any regrets in your life,that means you never satisfied with your life.You are unhappy.
- We ought to think that money is everything.That's what we were told about.Forget the culture.If we think of helping others,then we will forget bout it.
Well,i can't remember much..but that's part of it.
"If you're in bed,you're dead".
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Labels: death., life, mitch albom, money, regrets, tuesdays with morrie
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Martial arts and Me
I really like martial art since i was a kid.I like kung-fu(influenced by movies) but there were no teachers to teach that,so,my father sent me to learn Taek-wan-do.It was really great but i had to stop in standard 6 because i had to sit for UPSR that year(plus,i failed the taek-wan-do test twice).
I never join any martial arts since then until that one day.I felt the spirit back like when i was a kid(so eagerly to beat the bad people-LOL) .So i decided to join karate in UTP.I still like taek-wan-do,but i just want to try other martial arts.Just to be different.
What i can say is,there's no much differences between karate and taek-wan-do.I found myself having no difficulty in learning karate.LOL.
I started to love Karate.So,i decided to join karate tournament(not as participant,but as an outsider-just to know how the tournament look like).
It started on the 28th till the 30th of November.It was held at Federal Reserved Unit 3(FRU3) in Penang.(ohh-it wasn't only for karate.It involved other martial arts too such as taek-wan-do,silat,silambam,wushu,etc.The Penang team performing Katar
Perak won 2 Gold,1 silver and 4 bronze.
I really enjoy my trip there.Perak Team(find me!!)
p/s:Maybe i will enter the tournament next year.
Posted by orang minyak 1 comment(s)
Labels: karate-do, martial arts, taek-wan-do