Basically nak cerita sikit pasal sem ni which is baru terasa nak share after habis paper Advance Reservoir Simulation (subjek major yang susah giler-giler-giler)
Nothing much interesting but this semester really challenging because of the subjects taken. First ada final year project is which more into researching.My topic is about finding inhibitor to treat asphaltene formation. For this sem, banyak involve research and report which is not really difficult yet.So far, okay je rasa dengan tajuk ni. But next semester will be difficult sikit sebab nak kena buat lab experiment. Pening jugak nak fikir pasal lab sem depan.
Secondly ada subjek Petroleum economics. Quite interesting for me sebab boleh belajar pasal economic. The subject is okay, the lecturer is okay too but the exam question and marking tu susah sikit.Lecturer kasi soalan susah and strict in marking the papers.But so far, semua soalan boleh dijawab cuma xberapa yakin boleh score.
Thirdly ada subjek gas field engineering. This subject best jugak which is more to gas field punya development, gas reserve calculation etc. The only subject yang yakin boleh score.But based on senior, diorang cakap lecturer banyak kasi markah rendah.Hurm,hope janganlah macam tu.Satu2nya subjek harapan score.
Fourth ada subjek Malaysian studies which is about malaysian history.Subjek form 4 form 5 dulu-dulu yang kena banyak membaca. Not really difficult because memang minat sejarah but lecturer strict jugak kasi markah rendah2.Supposedly to be another subjek boleh score turn out to be subjek yang boleh cukup-cukup makan je kot.
Lastly,the most difficult subject i think is advance reservoir simulation.Subjek ni actually interesting but very very very hard to understand and banyak gile equation. Subjek ni banyak involve engineering mathematics amik time 1st year 2nd year dulu. Boleh kata 70% boleh dikuasai subjek ni eventho susah.Cumanya,macam subjek lain lecturer strict jugak anda kasi soalan susah.This morning baru je habis jawab paper ARS and terasa macam terok sikit sebab memang susah especially part2 hujung tu.
To sum up, this semester rasa macam harapan nak skor tu susah.Lecturer makin strict final year ni and subject pon makin susah.Sekarang ni just pray to Allah supaya tak drag sangat result sem ni.Lebih nak jaga CGPA je.So,that's all about my subjects this semester.Best but susah plus lecturer strict plus soalan exam susah.
I love what i learn, it just the results might not impress me for this semester.Hope that tak jatuh terok compare to previous semesters.
p/s: mode to study Malaysian studies paper jumaat ni.Pray for me :)
p/p/s:Post sebab terasa nak share.Not much interesting topic neways
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Final Year First Semester
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: final year, subject
Saturday, October 1, 2011
My dear EGO is back!
EGO itu bukanlah ego seorang lelaki okay, EGO yang dimaksudkan adalah YAMAHA EGO Kaler merah no plat AGS1269 (kalau perasan ada laki pakai spek nek scooter tu tego2 la ye :P)
Hmm,so last 2 tuesday, pergi hantar EGO dekat pejabat pos laju branch P.J dengan kakak. Kena hantar awal sebab it takes around 1 week nak sampai. Based on conversation dengan kawan, die cakap motor akan hantar directly to UTP but bila tanya dekat pegawai kaunter tu,die cakap motor sampai dekat main branch je, which is Ipoh PPL.
After 1week and 1 day (Rabu), I decided to pick up my EGO since takda kelas rabu petang. That day, pergi lah check tracking number dekat website. Tengok status, DELIVERED, location, PPL Ipoh. And then, I tried to call for confirmation, tapi takda orang angkat phone. Jenguh jugak petang tu nak cari member yang boleh bawakkan pegi Ipoh (car is needed).
Then, ada la sorang member ni tolong bawakkan. After 1hour punya perjalanan plus minus sesat nak cari PPL Ipoh, sampai la jugak kat destinasi dituju.Nasib baik PPL tu bukak lagi sebab that time sampai around 5pm. So pegi la tnya dekat sorang pegawai tu suruh checkkan item da sampai belom. THENNNN!!!Dia cakap actually my dear EGO da smpai dekat UTP.Punyalahhh rasa kecewa time tu.Penat2 pegi UTP tengok2 da smpai UTP.So my friend was right la,tak boleh harap punya pegawai kaunter.
Khamis pagi tu pegi lah amik EGO dekat undercroft, plate dengan cermin kiri je boleh pasang.cermin kanan dah try banyak kali still xbole masuk.Then, pasrah jela went to petrol station isi minyak and pam tayar. Weekend boleh pergi betolkan cermin and ketatkan brek blakang.
Pagi tadi pergi lah kedai motor and suruh orang tu betolkan cermin.RUPA-RUPANYA!!! Cermin tu kene pasang counter-clockwise.T___T punya la susah try nak pasang, siap suruh member pasangkan jugak tak dapat.Last2 kena gelak je.Nasib2 tapi takpalah sebab dapat ilmu baru pasal my dear EGO.
Welcome home my dear EGO!Banyak dah jasa EGO ni, bawak pergi tasik petang2 nak jog, pergi gym, pergi masjid, pergi mamak tengah2 malam, pergi ATM and macam2 tempat la.I can't live without you EGO.Kesian EGO merah sebab dapat owner yang tak tahu jaga sangat but i will take care of you okayy!
Moral of the story: Take action only when we are certain and always try the other way around
p/s: post santai je ni...nak kumpul momentum balik nak active berblogging
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)
Labels: ego
Monday, September 19, 2011
Back in blogging
I know its been a long time since i last update my blog. Lots of things had in my mind but it just so difficult to put it in words. Writing in English made me think my grammar is horrible, writing in BM made me think so skema to use "saya" or too awkward to use "aku". So just stick with English first.
Posted by orang minyak 2 comment(s)